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#253 2008-01-05 10:16:22
#254 2008-01-05 10:18:46
Re: mem_self_register
@Gocom – Yes, mem_self_admin_email is set to my gmail address.
#255 2008-01-05 10:32:34
#256 2008-01-05 10:32:42
Re: mem_self_register
Were there any error messages? Do you use zem_contact_reborn? If so, does it work?
There is also a newer version that is undergoing testing and it has a complete rewrite of the email functionality.
#257 2008-01-05 10:42:24
Re: mem_self_register
Hi Manfre, yeah, zem is working, however when I tried to change a password for an user through admin > users > change password and I didn’t get an email that way either, so it is possibly a textpattern problem? One of the hosting companies where the email sending is not working is Mosso (but it’s not working on my local server either, though I don’t know if the email server is set up properly, it’s out-of-the-box MAMP).
I may note that it is doing it’s work in the DB, it creates the user, all regularly. It’s just the email sending that’s the problem.
Last edited by draganbabic (2008-01-05 10:43:32)
#258 2008-01-05 11:10:35
Re: mem_self_register
If zem is working, then the new will have a better chance of working. Although, if the core mail functionality is having issues, all bets are off.
#259 2008-01-05 11:47:50
Re: mem_self_register
It’s weird, now i have reset my own password, and checked the box “mail it to me” and I got the email.
#260 2008-01-05 14:19:47
Re: mem_self_register
It seems there is no solution for this? Bummer…
I have noticed one other thing though – if the username already exists in the DB, and another user tries to register under that username – it spits out the generic error as if the field is blank, when I expected this (form the plugin source):
'user_exists' => 'Username already exists. Please try another name',
Here’s my form:
<div class="ctrlHolder">
<label for="mem_name_input">Full Name</label>
<txp:mem_name_input />
<txp:mem_name_warn />
<div class="ctrlHolder">
<label for="mem_user_input">Username</label>
<txp:mem_user_input />
<txp:mem_user_warn />
<div class="ctrlHolder">
<label for="mem_email_input">Email</label>
<txp:mem_email_input />
<txp:mem_email_warn />
<div class="buttonHolder">
<txp:mem_submit />
#261 2008-01-05 16:28:16
Re: mem_self_register
Sorry to bump this again, I just want to let you know it is definitely a plugin related issue that the emails with passwords are not going through.
#262 2008-01-05 16:31:35
Re: mem_self_register
bumping a thread every few hours is not going to help you. either way i’ve tested the plugin on my own install and i get emails with passwords just fine. how are you sure its a plugin issue?
#263 2008-01-05 16:52:07
Re: mem_self_register
My apologies to subscribers, I wasn’t trying to get off as desperate, but just be clear.
Earlier I have mentioned that there is a possibility that all email sent by TXP isn’t being received, and in my previous post I just wanted to say that after further testing emails from TXP work, just emails being sent by the plugin (containing the password) aren’t being sent or received.
#264 2008-01-29 04:34:38
Re: mem_self_register
There is a new version of mem_self_register available. I fixed a lot of issues and changed a bunch of the tags so that all forms now use my mem_form plugin.
Examples and such are in the first post.