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#1 2007-04-02 04:05:04

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

I wanted something like a simplified blogroll that shows up in the sidebar, but only for the commenters of the current Site, and only if they are trusted and set to display.
This currently, is not possible, using Textpattern’s native tags, as Mary also confirmed. Using article_custom to output the blogroll.

This is why this plugin exists. It will make sure, that:

  1. No commenter domain get’s displayed multiple times in the blogroll.
  2. Only trusted commenters (The ones, that are set to display) are part of the blogroll list.
  3. It doesn’t care about the articles, that the comments commenters belong to, which is what we want here.

Can be used either in a form or pagetemplate and also has an option, to display the commenters domain instead of their names as linktext.

There is a short article, explaining why, here

Version 0.5

Download is available here

Major Changes v0.2

  • Removed erronously and obsolete rel=nofollow attribute
  • Added, new attributes: modus, order, limit, offset and icon
  • Discarded unreliable array_unique function and refined query parts for more exactness and sorting flexibility
  • Now possible to sort by most loyal commenter domains, while still discarding multiple domains.
  • New multi domain modus, allows for multiple domains, provided they belong to unique email addresses.
  • Order refinement, with descending posted value as secondary query argument through tag attributes.

Changes v0.3

  • Corrected 2 syntax errors.

Changes v0.4

  • sort and limit attributes are now working correctly
  • Fix for modus 3
  • Article owner domains are now excluded from the result by default.
  • This last feature can be overridden with the exlude attribute to be set to any commenter name

Changes v0.5

  • Fix for the http:// protocol delimiter

Not much tested yet, works fine for me.

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-08-25 13:47:15)

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#2 2007-04-04 23:47:46

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

New version, available, see for deatils above.

Here is a basic Tag Usage Example, to get you started.

Let’s say I wanted to display a Linkroll with 6 (unique in the sense of domain names ) commenters, split in two columns, displaying their domains, instead of their names as linktext and sorted by comment loyalty ( with posted desc as secondary sort priority ), then I could do something like that:

<txp:mrs_comment_roll domain=“1” class=“roll_one” modus=“1” limit=“3” />
<txp:mrs_comment_roll domain=“1” class=“roll_two” modus=“1” limit=“6” offset=“3” />

Here is another example

Let’s assume, I don’t care much about comment loyalty and need a ( chronological ) posted desc primary sorting priority order. And display 6 total unique list Items with the domains as links, and the commenter’s names as linktext
Then, I could use it like that:

<txp:mrs_comment_roll domain=“0” class=“roll” modus=“0” limit=“6” />

Here’s an example with the third modus, which could be usefull for community based Sites

Now, I want to display a list with Unique names ( That belong to unique email addresses ) and give commenter loyalty priority, while still allowing multiple domains to be linked too, and limit to 10 total Items.
Then I would do something like this:

<txp:mrs_comment_roll domain=“0” class=“roll_names” modus=“3” limit=“10” order=“loyal” labeltag=“h4” label=“Most loyal Visitors on this Site “/>

Also available is an option (still experimental ), that displays the favicon of each domain right next to each corresponding domain.
CAUTION: This is hotlinking ( allthough at minimal fileSize, but not 100% ok., from an ethical point of view ). Besides this, I haven’t been able to figure out how to replace the Browser’s default Qestionmark Icon (If there is ) with a default Icon.
(Still working on this)

(Also trying to find a way to grab the comment count from the txp_discuss table, which there is none in the table)

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-04-05 16:36:46)

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#3 2007-07-20 17:44:55

From: Vienna/Austria
Registered: 2004-03-25
Posts: 147

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

Hi and thanks for this plugin. I’ve tried it on my website, but there were three errors I got immediately:

  1. When using modus=“1” or “2”, it does not display anything at all. (Is there a minimum amount of comments that have to be made?)
  2. I cannot figure out why, but sometimes links output by the plugin look like this: http://http//www.something.com.
  3. Is there an option not to show my own domain? (When I respond to other peoples’ comments, I also input my domain, etc.)



#4 2007-07-28 18:43:02

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

Michael wrote:

  1. When using modus=“1” or “2”, it does not display anything at all. (Is there a minimum amount of comments that have to be made?)

Hi, how many commenters are there ?. Is it possible to give a tag usage example.

  1. I cannot figure out why, but sometimes links output by the plugin look like this: http://http//www.something.com.

Looking into it.

  1. Is there an option not to show my own domain? (When I respond to other peoples’ comments, I also input my domain, etc.)

Sounds like a good Idea, that I have never thought of. Could be added in the next version.

Unfortunately, this will take a couple of days, since I’m doing some maintenance work at our residence ( plumbing, painting, etc. )

regards, marios

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#5 2007-08-25 12:38:00

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

@michael, you can try this version , if you need this:

mrs_comment_roll v0.5

  • Link sort and domain attributes didn’t work also correctly and modus 3 is fixed. 2 was working
  • Fixes also the string replace Issue with the http:// protocol del. ,
  • article_owner domains will now be discarded based on the current article_owner, if there is one.

You can also override this with an exclude attribute ( can be set to any name you want to exclude)



Allthough this last new option isn’t included in the help file yet.

(Be sure also, you don’t have any double instances of this plugin installed of this plugin. Delete the old one by hand, if it doesn’t go away)

Works also for txp v4.0.5

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-08-26 08:08:16)

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#6 2007-10-01 09:11:20

New Member
Registered: 2007-02-24
Posts: 1

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

exclude=“AAA,BBB” does not work!


#7 2007-10-01 09:19:52

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

No, only one address each tag at the moment.
However, not a big deal to be added in in the next version.

regards, marios

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#8 2007-10-03 06:32:35

New Member
Registered: 2007-02-08
Posts: 7

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

Tag error: <txp:mrs_comment_roll modus=“1” /> -> Textpattern Warning: Invalid use of group function
select count(web), web, name, visible FROM txp_discuss WHERE name NOT LIKE ‘’ GROUP BY web having visible =‘1’ order by count(web) desc, posted desc limit 0,8 on line 84

error in my webiste:

Last edited by insraq (2007-10-03 06:34:47)


#9 2007-10-03 08:53:53

New Member
Registered: 2007-02-08
Posts: 7

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

only modus=“0” will work and modus=“1” and modus=“2” can’t work correctly.


#10 2007-10-03 09:19:05

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

Just having a short look at the domain, one reason could be that there is not a sufficiant amount of comments data available in the table ( That is set to visible ).

However, the plugin should check against this. We’ll see.
I have tested most combinations and possible attributes on a 4.05 install and it worked all cheesy there.

regards, marios

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#11 2008-05-10 18:43:52

From: dakota dunes
Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 305

Re: mrs_comment_roll Simple blogroll plugin, only trusted commenters

Is there a way to do if and else conditionals for favicons? For domains without a favicon would have a default set by me?

<txp:Ruhh />


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