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#565 2007-06-26 23:01:55

From: brooklyn, ny
Registered: 2006-06-26
Posts: 83

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I posted to the flickr forum and someone replied:

“That’s because you’re not using the originalsecret. If you go to that page, you’ll see that the URL for the original size is this: farm2.static.flickr.com/1252/593247601_fed61fe726_o.jpg. So, it seems that your plugin isn’t handling originalsecret.”

It seems that the secret is different for original size than the rest. more info about that from flickr


#566 2007-06-27 09:18:41

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Sorry, this was my mistake. I fixed the issue, so after redownloading and installing 0.8.11 you should be fine.


#567 2007-06-28 17:08:39

From: brooklyn, ny
Registered: 2006-06-26
Posts: 83

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Thanks Ralph for the quick turn around. Truly appreciate it!

aswihart: I'm moving this setup to a friend's host with php 4.4.4 and it's not working. I tried $GLOBALS[‘use_php4’] = 0;@ and $GLOBALS['use_php4'] = 1; but vdh is either ignored by txp or the page never successfully loads at all.

Is the only code that you found that needed changing?

I’ve asked the host to enable php 5, but they’ve been slow to respond.


#568 2007-06-29 11:03:18

Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 117

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr


I’m having some setup troubles with this plugin. Can someone show me the code for “Demo3” with thumbnails and also how to turn of the title and “Show as slideshow in new window”. I’d like to show latest 6 photo thumbnails from flickr and to open them in flickr and I’m using the plugin tag inside the page (not in article).

The latest=“6” doesn’t work for me (why is that?), so I used random=“6” and really can’t find the way to turn of title and slideshow link.

Thank you.

Last edited by fuls (2007-06-29 11:05:34)


#569 2007-06-29 18:43:01

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

The code for latest pics works like this:
<txp:vdh_flickr_thumbnails nsid="12345" latest="6" />

In order to turn off title and slideshow link, you must create an own form.


#570 2007-07-02 18:19:41

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I have been having problems with this plugin recently. Every few minutes or so I’ll get a “Failed to connect to flickr.com!” error that lasts for another 20 minutes. I upgraded to 8.11 from 8.10 with no issues. Im running another site with this plugin and have never had an issue.

Here are some snippets:

<txp:vdh_flickr nsid="8132196@N08" set_form="flickr_preview" thumbnails_form="flickr_thumbs" img_form="flickr_image" />
Textpattern version: 4.0.4 (r1956)
Last Update: 2007-06-02 13:58:03/2007-06-01 02:18:29
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Active plugins: asv_breadcrumb-1.0, vdh_flickr-0.8.11

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#571 2007-07-03 06:56:48

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

It is most probably something about your server, like DNS not behaving properly. Can you somehow reproduce the error?


#572 2007-07-03 14:31:50

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

That’s what I figured, but I’m not sure how to tackle that problem. I can’t make it come and go as I please, all I do is visit the gallery page and notice it won’t load most of the time.



#573 2007-07-03 17:15:33

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Sorry, currently I have no idea what the problem is. But the gallery does actually work from time to time?


#574 2007-07-03 18:20:54

From: brooklyn, ny
Registered: 2006-06-26
Posts: 83

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Does anyone have the plugin working with php 4?

I’m working on a website whose host says php 5 will conflict with their control panel and that it won’t be upgraded for a couple of months. So we’re stuck with php 4.4.4 and I can’t get things to work. Are there any workarounds?

Is there a way to setup php 5 as a secondary option on the server and have this plugin use it?

thanks for any and all suggestions.


#575 2007-07-03 20:12:23

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

ralph wrote:

Sorry, currently I have no idea what the problem is. But the gallery does actually work from time to time?

Yes, like right now it doesn’t connect.


#576 2007-07-13 18:53:30

From: Pittsburgh, PA
Registered: 2006-07-22
Posts: 345

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

When I upgraded to 4.05, the (now defunct) sgb_url_handler plugin was causing all my file_download links to give 404 errors, see here. It seems that plugin has been surplanted by gbp_permanent_links. Is there a way to get clean urls using that plugin instead? And do I just keep the .htaccess file the same as in the instructions on your site? Thanks a lot.

Last edited by aswihart (2007-07-13 18:54:38)


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