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#157 2007-01-13 14:26:03

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

replace 'ft'=>"1" with custom_field(array('name' => 'Custom X')) assuming the ft parameter sets the font size and ‘Custom X’ is the label of the custom field that stores your font size.


#158 2007-01-13 17:26:20

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,324
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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2


#159 2007-01-13 19:43:12

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-02-26
Posts: 74

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

Thanks ruud and wet, I am beginning to understand that is going on, but, I can’t get it to work. Now I have this:

echo zem_ir(
    'fontsize'=>custom_field(array('name' => 'rubrikstorlek')),
    'padding'=>"0 3 3 3",

My custom field is called rubrikstorlek, and it does not put out anything, but the field have the value of 50.

My whole form looks like this:

@<div class="puff">
<txp:mdn_if_custom field="2" empty="1"> <else /> 
<div style="background-color: <txp:rei_show_custom customid="2" />;padding:5px">
<div style="text-align:right;z-index:100"><span class="ingress"> <txp:category1 title="1" /></span>
<div style="margin:5px 0 5px -3px;z-index:99;width:402px;">
<txp:mdn_if_custom field="3" empty="1"> 
<txp:zem_ir font="FranklinGothicEC.ttf" wraptag="h1" padding="0 3 3 3" wrap="400" ft="1" aa="1" size="30"><txp:title /></txp:zem_ir>
<else /> 
echo zem_ir(
    'fontsize'=>custom_field(array('name' => 'rubrikstorlek')),
    'padding'=>"0 3 3 3",
<div class="teaser2">
<txp:excerpt />
<span class="lasMer"><strong>L&auml;s mer</strong></span><strong> <span class="lasMerPilar">&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></strong>
<txp:mdn_if_custom field="2" empty="1"> <else /> 


#160 2007-01-15 11:58:24

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-02-26
Posts: 74

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

Okay I solved it.


#161 2007-04-24 18:37:59

From: Europe
Registered: 2004-12-24
Posts: 14

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

This question came up in this thread already a few times . Did anybody actually got a validated link working with zem_ir ?
Help’s really appreciated.


Els wrote:

First, this is a great plugin, thank you!

I did this:

<code><a href=”/”><txp:zem_ir font=”/html/fonts/CHILLER.TTF” fontsize=“100” color=”#336699” backgroundcolor=”#336699”><txp:page_title /></txp:zem_ir></a></code>

to make it a link to the home page. It works, but the page doesn’t validate anymore because of the h1 tags inside the anchor tags. I tried wraptag=”“, but that doesn’t make the h1 tags disappear.
Is there a way to solve this, or is the plugin just not meant to be used this way?

EDIT: This:

<code><txp:zem_ir font=”/html/fonts/CHILLER.TTF” fontsize=“100” color=”#336699” backgroundcolor=”#336699”><a href=”/”><txp:page_title /></a></txp:zem_ir></code>

seems to create valid html, but it doesn’t give me a working link.

Has anybody found a solution how to fix this? I would really like to have both, zem_ir and valid code with working link.

As Els wrote in his later post, this is not just IE problem. Any way to remove for example the wraptags totally? wraptag=”“ sets it back to default, h1.


#162 2007-09-12 19:49:40

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2005-07-21
Posts: 184

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

Is there any chance to use czech characters? Czech language is problem. Characters like “ěščřžýáíéúů” don’t work. I tried different charsets for html_entity_decode() but without success. I need utf-8 (I tried, didn’t work) but czech characters work well also with win-1250 or ISO-8859-2, but these two are not allowed with html_entity_decode(). Any suggestion?


#163 2008-01-23 17:59:20

From: Rome, Italy
Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 68

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

hi all,
I have a problem with zem_ir out of my control

as you can see in my site , spaces between words are replaced by a strange digit.
Every font i tried gave me the same issue

I tried adding tr=” “ to the tag, simulating a space replacing itself, in order to circumvent the issue, but nothing.

Did anyone ever solve this problem?

Thamk you for your help


#164 2008-01-26 18:24:10

Registered: 2005-06-07
Posts: 96

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

I’m in the process of transitioning my site from a slightly modified ALA version to zem_ir. For layout purposes, I’m using the ‘img’ method, but would like to be able to feed the zem_ir tag word-by-word.

I’ve been split()-ing the <txp:title /> tag, but I was wondering if there were some better way to do it or if it could be abstracted into the plugin somehow (so that I don’t call zem_ir multiple times).

$words = split(' ', $GLOBALS['thisarticle']['title']);
foreach ($words as $word) {
	echo zem_ir(

Also, I’m having some issues with how the text is displayed. In this example page the text for the word “The” is a bit off in the image itself but is fixed when I add an extra letter. It appears to be related to zem_ir (and not the font) because the same text comes out ok in the ALA version.

It’s an awesome plugin, and is much faster than what I’m using now, thanks Zem!


#165 2008-02-02 11:36:50

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,615
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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

Hi everybody.

I don’t know if it’s possible with ZIR?

I would like to apply Image Remplacement only for one specific span class attribute in my text.

Could you answer to me if it’s possible, and how get the rule?

Tks lot in advance,


Last edited by Pat64 (2008-02-02 16:01:37)


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#166 2008-02-29 17:08:25

New Member
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 2

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

Great plugin!

Now a question…. Can you force a text wrap eg if longer than 120chars then make it twice the height for example. Ths would be good for when users decide to put war and peace as their titles…


#167 2008-06-15 06:23:38

Plugin Author
From: Kansas, USA
Registered: 2004-02-29
Posts: 482

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

I have an odd discrepancy showing up between zem_ir generated images on localhost and on my web host’s (Joyent) server. Here’s what they look like on my machine:

And here’s what I get on Joyent’s server:

I know that nobody here can probably speak to Joyent’s server configuration, but if this looks like something you’ve seen before please let me know. Some clue like “that happened to me, and it turned out PHP was compiled with the foo flag set to ‘zorfle’ instead of ‘zimbar’…” could help me resolve things with them. Thanks!


#168 2008-08-06 12:48:08

From: the hague
Registered: 2005-02-10
Posts: 150

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] zem_image_replace, version 2

hello, does anybody have strange experience with rotated text?
here the rotated words are no longer on one line; i.e. the rotation is not consistent through the whole word causing a sort of ‘staircase’ effect through the characters.
this is my code:

<txp:zem_ir font="/fonts/OfficinaSansStd-Bold.otf" fontsize="13" angle="10" width="" heigth="" wrap="" padding="1" > value </txp:zem_ir>

any help?


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