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#205 2006-11-07 21:02:25
Re: mem_self_register
hi bartekk… are you looking for something like rss_author_info or xkl_contacts ? otherwise maybe something in authors category in general..
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#206 2006-11-07 22:07:28
- bartekk
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-09
- Posts: 57
Re: mem_self_register
thx alicson.
I know this plugins, but this plugins doesn’t work together with the “mem_” plugins.
everything is set in the mem_self_register plugin I have to only to show them but I don’t know how.
Any other suggestions?
#207 2006-11-07 23:14:17
Re: mem_self_register
Ah, I see..
I haven’t explored all the features of mem_self_register (I probably should/will soon…) but it looks like you will need to expand the mem_profile
tag that’s included with it, to accept your custom values.
Maybe make a plugin request? Sorry I can’t be more helpful on this one..
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#208 2006-11-08 10:54:34
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 568
Re: mem_self_register
I’ve found a typo in the help information for mem_change_password_form. There are two many mem_’s for the password input tag.
<txp:mem_mem_password_input />
I’m also experiencing problems using mem_change_password_form. Whenever this tag is present it prevents the page from loading giving me a “64 – Host not available” error message in Firefox 2.
I’m using Textpattern 4.0.4
Last edited by Algaris (2006-11-08 11:53:02)
#209 2006-11-08 19:07:53
- bartekk
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-09
- Posts: 57
Re: mem_self_register
Algris you have to use <txp:mem_password_input /> instead of <txp:mem_mem_password_input /> and <txp:mem_change_pass_form /> instead of <txp:mem_change_password_form />
It is a mistake in writing!
Anyway, I don’t think mem_self_register works fine with txp 4.0.4
#210 2006-11-08 22:46:47
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 568
Re: mem_self_register
Ah ha! Thank you bartekk. Using <txp:mem_change_pass_form /> worked like a charm.
I figured out the double mem_ part but thought I’d mention just in case.
#211 2006-11-08 23:52:12
Re: mem_self_register
Thank you so much! I knew about the typo in mem_mem_password_input but I didn’t catch the mem_change_pass_form typo which was causing me all the problems.
Everything seems fine now though.
#212 2006-11-12 09:03:32
Re: mem_self_register
mem_self_register automatically detects and supports custom fields that have been added to the database. To do this properly, you will need to make the form field match the name of the custom database field. To display the information back to the user, mem_profile
should be used with the var="CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME"
Version 8.3 has been uploaded that corrects the following problems.
I corrected the mem_mem_ typo in the help.
There was a typo in the code that caused infinite recursion when using mem_change_password_form tag instead of the mem_change_pass_form tag. This resulted it in the page not being able to load if this tag was present.
#213 2006-11-27 02:22:34
Re: mem_self_register
User priviledges again (sorry…)
I’m running 4.0.4 and mem_self_register 0.8.3.
Everything is working fine except the new users are coming in with no privileges.
The advanced preference settings is set at staff writer.
I also checked into the database and the preference is indeed listed as “4”
Diagnostically all checks passed. Here are my other active plugins: zem_contact_lang-, zem_contact_reborn-, rss_live_search-0.2.2, ajw_if_comment_owner-0.3, ied_hide_in_admin-0.1.6, tru_tags-1.9, rss_auto_excerpt-0.2, mem_self_register-0.8.3m
#214 2006-12-21 13:00:30
- rcdonohue
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-12-21
- Posts: 2
Re: mem_self_register
Hi Manfre – any way to limit the email value to a specific domain? So that only users with a valid email from, for example, “mysite.com” could register? Thanks and cool plugin!
Last edited by rcdonohue (2007-01-16 13:39:01)
#215 2007-02-13 17:38:23
Re: mem_self_register
Does anyone have this plugin working with 4.0.4 that would mind posting the code for your form that allows users to create an account?
I can’t seem to get this plugin working at all and I want to be sure that my form is correct for submitting the account creation request.
#216 2007-02-13 17:56:48
Re: mem_self_register
Just to make sure the basics are covered – did you go into the plugin help and run the install wizard? It should install the necessary forms correctly.
Then calling the form with <code><txp:mem_self_register_form /></code> should work . . .