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#1 2006-11-01 20:00:32

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595


The ransom has been fully met and the plugin and source are released to the public. This topic will continue as a support tool for any problems, questions, or suggestions for any future revisions.

Last edited by TheEric (2006-11-19 02:04:16)


#2 2006-11-01 20:08:26

From: Normandy, France
Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 831

Re: Ebl_batchupload

So I can take a 3Meg pic from a camera and upload it and the resulting image will be pixel resized and have a new file size suitable for the web?

Edit: Just tried the demo and the image file size is limited, so local image hacking is necessary I guess. I was hoping this was the answer for non tech clients who don’t know how to edit an image.

Last edited by lee (2006-11-01 20:13:52)


#3 2006-11-01 20:16:05

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: Ebl_batchupload

Relative to the dimensions you select upon upload, yes. (And assuming the file-size limit hasn’t been exceeded. I have the demo set for 2mb, max)

ie: If you upload an image at 2000+ pixels and choose to resize it to 640×480, the file size will most likely be under 100k

If said image is resized to only 1000 pixels square, the resulting image will most likely be over 500k.

That being said, I wouldn’t upload too many images of that size at once since the processing demands on your webserver can be a bit much for most hosting providers allowable tolerance.


#4 2006-11-01 20:36:35

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: Ebl_batchupload

I just threw $20 at ya. I know others will pitch in. It looks like you got it rounded out nicely.


Last edited by soulship (2006-11-01 20:37:00)


#5 2006-11-02 12:50:37

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: Ebl_batchupload

Can you make sure you got my payment? It’s not showing up on the meter for some reason.



#6 2006-11-02 15:58:14

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: Ebl_batchupload

Yup. Payment was made – Paypal is still processing it, so it hadn’t changed, yet.


#7 2006-11-02 16:55:24

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: Ebl_batchupload

note: Anyone notice the last screen capture? It’s the next image related feature I’m working on, it’s rather simple and should be available for download the first week of January.


#8 2006-11-03 17:42:42

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: Ebl_batchupload

Eric is there a value to get a copy even if the ransom is not reached? The other ransoms I’ve seen had that.

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#9 2006-11-04 18:34:34

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: Ebl_batchupload

I can’t do that, even though I would like to. Zem has a good writeup here that explains the reasoning as to why I can’t distribute copies even if the ransom is never reached.

Why not provide a copy of the work to those who donate, prior to its public release?

Several reasons:

1. It would create an incentive to contribute only the minimum amount necessary to receive a copy.

2. Pre-publication copies would have to be released under a restricted license. In many cases this is impossible: the Textpattern license requires that plugins are released under the GPL, which prohibits such restrictions.

3. It requires resources for licensing, monitoring and policing restrictions on pre-publication copies – a Digital Rights Management regime. This is self-defeating: the whole point of the street performer protocol is to facilitate paid publication in an environment in which DRM is impossible or ineffective.


#10 2006-11-04 19:10:35

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: Ebl_batchupload

Anyone notice the last screen capture? It’s the next image related feature I’m working on…

Looks very nice indeed!

It looks like my $20 is only showing up as 10$ for some reason? Also it may help if you could re-link the live demo in the top of this thread so folks can see how awesome it works on you demo site.



#11 2006-11-04 19:51:59

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: Ebl_batchupload

soulship wrote:

It looks like my $20 is only showing up as 10$ for some reason?

That was someone else I believe – Paypal shows your payment as uncleared, with a tentative clear date of 11/6. Paypal is a tad weird sometimes.

Also it may help if you could re-link the live demo in the top of this thread so folks can see how awesome it works on you demo site.

Good Idea, I should’ve thought of that…

Demo can be found here: ericlimegrover.com/textpattern/

Username: Demo
Password: m0fqn6

The plugin link can be found on the images page (everything else is disabled).

Last edited by TheEric (2006-11-04 19:54:47)


#12 2006-11-04 23:36:26

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: Ebl_batchupload

TheEric wrote:
I can’t do that, even though I would like to. Zem has a good writeup here that explains the reasoning as to why I can’t distribute copies even if the ransom is never reached.

All valid. Are you also following Zem’s stance on what happens if the ransom is never reached? If I decide to pay say $50 towards something I’d like to know I’m either

a) getting something


b) Getting a refund

This is not in anyway meant as an attack on the ransom idea. Just trying to understand the terms of it. Your plugin is the first one I’ve really, really wanted to pay the ransom on, and if there was a minimum that would guarantee me a copy I wanted to know what it was.

Last edited by hakjoon (2006-11-04 23:36:48)

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


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