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#421 2006-10-30 14:04:20

From: Rhône-Alpes, France
Registered: 2005-04-18
Posts: 557

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Thank you Ralph. It works like a charm. :-)



#422 2006-11-01 15:24:29

From: Glastonbury, UK
Registered: 2006-09-22
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Thanks Ralph,

Is there a chance you could fix the set choosing functions (all/except, none/except)? Or could you suggest where to start? I’m guessing around line 550?


#423 2006-11-01 15:29:19

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I can do this next weekend.


#424 2006-11-01 15:36:41

From: Glastonbury, UK
Registered: 2006-09-22
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Right on, danke once again ;)

p.s. how do you like Radiant so far?


#425 2006-11-01 15:41:39

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Very well, except it does not have an asset manager like Mephisto, and no proper plugin system yet. These things are currently planned, but I have not seen any process on this in the last weeks in the svn.


#426 2006-11-01 16:05:56

From: Glastonbury, UK
Registered: 2006-09-22
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I like the simplicity of Radiant (eg. having only 2 types of user: admin or developer, that’s all you need for most projects), but yes, it lacks some features which stop me making the jump. The mailinglist seems quite active, so there’s hope. More CMS talk here.

Last edited by hazel (2006-11-01 16:06:17)


#427 2006-11-05 21:11:13

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Hey guys, found this plugin yesterday and just had to play with it. I think I’ve got it up and running fine, but there are a few things I’d still like to implement, but haven’t figured it out.

A little about the site: Rhia & Nikil
It’s basically just a photo album, no blog, for my niece and nephew so I’m running vdh_flickr from my articles section. I couldn’t find a template to edit so I can tweak what flickr information it outputs. For example, I don’t have any use for flickr comments, and would also like to turn off the post date for the article. I’d also like to sub the —> and <— arrows for buttons of my own, and move them to the top of the photo.

I have no clue how to go about this, I’m guessing I need to create a form? Also, would like to display 10 random thumbs on my front page. Tried the sample code from the plugin help, without any luck.

Other than that, I need to upgrade to flickr pro — great plugin, seriously impressed by it :D

Last edited by riot (2006-11-05 21:12:50)


#428 2006-11-06 09:46:22

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

You will have to create an image form and use it like this: <txp:vdh_flickr nsid="..." img_form="image" />. Details here.

It’s not difficult, you can copy and paste my example form and delete or move everything that you do not need.


#429 2006-11-08 02:52:02

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

ralph wrote:

You will have to create an image form and use it like this: <txp:vdh_flickr nsid="..." img_form="image" />. Details here.

Hmmm, I’m trying to generate random thumbnails w/ no luck here is what I did. I made a form called “randomthumbs” w/ this as the content of the form: <txp:vdh_flickr_thumbnails random=“10” /> and it’s of misc. type.

I then added img_name=“randomthumbs” to <txp:vdh_flickr nsid=“12345678@N00” img_name=“randomthumbs” /> — I must be missing a simple step somewhere…

Last edited by riot (2006-11-08 02:57:23)


#430 2006-11-08 08:15:23

From: Rhône-Alpes, France
Registered: 2005-04-18
Posts: 557

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Well… not a single step in fact : the whole stairs ;-)

I don’t know where to start to help you…

First the content of the form can’t be the tag itself ! Read again Ralph’s post above and follow his link to see exemples of form content and how to use it. It’s a very well documented plugin.

Then, in the page tag you got to call the form with img_form= not with img_name=

The image form you’ll create will allow you to change the presentation as you asked first.

Forget the random setting for the moment. You need to undersand how the plugin and form calls works actually. We’ll see the rest of it after, it’s messing you up ;-)

if I were you, I’d simply start by creating the 3 forms using the documentation examples: to fill it

  1. flickr_preview
  2. flickr_thumbnails
  3. flickr_image

Then call it in your article with the tag :
<txp:vdh_flickr nsid="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" set_form="flickr_preview" thumbnails_form="flickr_thumbnails" img_form="flickr_image" />

This is the very basic use of the plugin with forms.

Once it’s OK come and see us back. :-)

Last edited by Niconemo (2006-11-08 08:46:28)



#431 2006-11-08 21:15:56

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

When using the random parameter, you must define where to take the pictures from. As flickr does not provide any random in their api, and as it is definately too much to fetch a list of all your photos from the flickr server, you must define a source. For example you can put this into a page template (no need to create a form at this moment):

<txp:vdh_flickr_thumbnails nsid="123" random=“10” latest="30" />

This will select 10 random photos of your 30 latest ones.

And what do you want to do with that img_name parameter?


#432 2006-11-09 05:26:27

Registered: 2005-10-09
Posts: 22

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

ralph wrote:

When using the random parameter, you must define where to take the pictures from. As flickr does not provide any random in their api, and as it is definately too much to fetch a list of all your photos from the flickr server, you must define a source. For example you can put this into a page template (no need to create a form at this moment):

Great, I’m going to work on that tomorrow night — I figured it wasn’t possible to select randoms from the entire library. Instead, I’m just going to do a random pick from the latest like you suggested. I edited my forms as suggested, and I understand how they work now, thanks a bunch!

The other thing I had a question on was how I could do a dropdown form that would list all the sets. I know this is the important part:

<txp:vdh_flickr_set_link title=“Proceed to this gallery”><txp:vdh_flickr_set_title /></txp:vdh_flickr_set_link>

<select name=“rate”>
<option value=”<txp:vdh_flickr_set_link title=“Proceed to this gallery”></txp:vdh_flickr_set_link>” selected=“selected”><txp:vdh_flickr_set_title /></option></select>

I reckon the form would be something along those lines?

Last edited by riot (2006-11-09 05:27:16)


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