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Is it possible to have multiple text entry fields?
I know this is a newbie question and there’s probably an obvious answer. I’m comfortable with page templates, CSS and forms, and I’m not asking about custom fields. I’m trying to go beyond a blog format where there is one repeating batch of posts and move on to, say, a newspaper layout, where there are several different sections on the page that require dynamic updates. I only have one text entry field to work with and can’t find any way to change this in the Forum or the wiki. Any enlightenment will be much appreciated.
Re: Is it possible to have multiple text entry fields?
You can’t use sections and article_custom
? On the online newspaper I setup, initially I had an excerpt (or body, depending on the size) for each section. Since it’s newspaper based, you could add an issue custom field. Or, if new articles will be posted at the same time, you can leave off the custom field, since they’ll appear on the same page together.
<div id=“blurbs”>
<txp:article_custom issue=“Oct-10” limit=“5” section=“blurb” />
<div id=“primary”>
<txp:article_custom issue=“Oct-10” limit=“2” section=“primary” />
<div id=“global”>
<txp:article_custom issue=“Oct-10” limit=“2” section=“global” />
If you want to post a ton of content in one article, you can also try this, though I’m not sure how relevant it is. Or you can post another article in the excerpt.
Last edited by jm (2006-10-08 17:49:50)
Re: Is it possible to have multiple text entry fields?
I may have been comfortable with sections, but I didn’t fully understand them. I thought that they constituted entirely separate pages. Didn’t realize (and this is a big duh) that they could be sections on the same page as the other content. I am most grateful to you for clearing this up. (And for your photoblog tutorial and your great pictures of dogs ;-)
jm wrote:
You can’t use sections and
#4 2006-10-09 03:08:04
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: Is it possible to have multiple text entry fields?
You were correct: they are entirely separate. That is why it is called article_*custom* – it can break almost all of the rules article is forced to play by. :)
Re: Is it possible to have multiple text entry fields?
Thanks, Mary. I’m still wrapping my mind around the second, third, fourth and nth level of txp concepts and how to apply them. Knowing how to use article_custom allows me to do all the basics I wanted to do. Kudos to the whole team for such a deep & flexible system.