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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
hi adrian and thx for your great plug.in!!
i finally found an easy way to put youtube videos on my (very small) site!
i want to thx rayben too, whit this “hack” now is working fine!!!
(before when i set at 1 the xhtlm value the video don’t appears..)
excuse my poor english :)
thx again!!
eDit: don’t work with google videos? :D
Last edited by peppeg (2006-09-28 17:36:57)
calati juncu ca passa la china
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
Hey all-
Just another update. This brings us to 0.2.1, and incorporates the change reyben made to make the xhtml code work. That’s all for now.
As always, requests, etc etc etc are more than welcome.
#15 2006-10-04 17:21:45
- Prax
- Member
- From: Huntsville, AL
- Registered: 2006-09-27
- Posts: 24
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
I’m getting “Badly formed or empty plugin code” for 0.2.1
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
Whoops. Sorry about that one.
Updated the plugin file so all should be well. Same download link as before.
Good catch Prax.
#17 2006-10-05 01:26:46
- oldcodger
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-08-29
- Posts: 7
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
akokskis wrote:
h2. ako_youtube
Easily embed YouTube videos into your TXP site.
Well, here’s another quick and easy one from me, myself and I. It does pretty much what it states – embeds a YouTube video based on the attributes. Those attributes are:
- v – The YouTube video ID (in the url, after either “v=” or “/v/”).
- height – The height of the embeded video. Defaults to 425px.
- width – The width of the embeded video. Defaults to 350px.
- vmode – The vmode attribute in the embeded code. This defaults to transparent.
- xhtml – Either 0 or 1, 1 produces XHTML valid output (as per suggestion by cbeyls). By default, it produces XHTML invalid code (that is, just the plain old code that YouTube gives out.
- urlonly – This attribute, if set to 1, will only output the URL of the page with the video on YouTube, and nothing more.
- link – This attribute, if set to 1, will allow you to use this as a wrapping tag, creating a link with to the YouTube page, with the text that you’ve wrapped with this plugin.
- linkclass – This attribute will add a class to the link made if you’re using the “link” attribute.
Download v.2.1
(no help file yet)
I will have alot of fun with this..and so will my teenage daughter!
Thank you.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
I am trying to you this plugin which works great.
but i was just wondering if there was any way to play from a youtube group? Has anyone had any luck with this?
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
I’m having fun with this plug-in but I would like my contributers to suggest YouTubes themselves.
Does anyone know a way to use the contents of a Custom Field as the V attribute?
(Yep, already tried <txp:custom_field name=“id” /> and “rei_custom_field” )
- AdC
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
asy_wondertag can do that.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
Works perfectly. Thank you. (And thank you, Asy)
#22 2007-01-31 05:58:31
- pastafiend
- New Member
- Registered: 2007-01-26
- Posts: 7
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
Hi, I’m sure I missed something fully obvious…. well, after installing this plugin and following its very easy unstructions, I tried a test video, but instead of seeing the video, I just got a big white box in it’s place. http://www.agent-gamer.com/15/the-cat-came-back
Did I do something obviously wrong that you can fix right here and now or would you need more information? Any help appreciated!
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
Can you post here the code that you’re using to call the plugin?
Based on that site, I think I see what the error is, but I just want to check.
#24 2007-01-31 06:14:17
- pastafiend
- New Member
- Registered: 2007-01-26
- Posts: 7
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_youtube
“<code><txp:ako_youtube v=“8Df4ANDb0TE” /></code>
If you are seeing this classic cartoon short, then the plugin is working correctly.”