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#133 2006-09-08 03:27:54

From: UK
Registered: 2005-05-19
Posts: 12

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Does anyone have a workaround for the table prefix issue? The plugin installs perfectly but i’m just getting the newsletter tab and nothing else. I’ve tested the install on an another txp database without the prefix and everthing works great.

I’m running txp 4.03.


SOLVED: My table prefix had an underscore. I took that out and everthing works perfectly. Nice.

Last edited by toots (2006-09-08 12:07:42)


#134 2006-09-08 12:28:27

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Could anyone tell how many users this plugin can serve? I’ve got about 2000 email address in a list, and before going on I’d like to know it the number issue has been solved. Thanks!



#135 2006-09-22 18:47:39

From: Barcelona
Registered: 2005-09-14
Posts: 94

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

I have installed this plugin (v. 0.3d) in a test site running TXP 4.0.3 and all seems fine. Now, I have a question: on my “subscribe” page where the form appears I want to display some additional information, and I don’t want it to appear in the next page after submitting the form. Since both are the same page/article, I don’t know how to do that. Any text/links that I put in the subscribe page with the subscribe form will appear later with the “Thank you” message, where they are not needed. Any tips on what should be the logical way to achieve this?
Thanks for the interest!


#136 2006-09-30 23:33:13

From: Brixton, London, UK
Registered: 2005-09-29
Posts: 14

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

<strong>Nice one Ben,</strong> this seems like an excellent plug in. Much easier for clients to understand than phplist. Really looking forward to the increased mailing size too.

I have one feature request which is for an unsubscribe form to go on the unsubscribe page if it hasn’t been arrived at from an email. This would mean that people can unsubscribe if they don’t have the email for some reason.

Keep up the great work and feel free to point us towards a tip jar or wish list as I’m sure I’ll use this on client websites.


I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like the way to do this is to use a custom subscribe form. I’m guessing that anything within the form will be replaced with the sucess message.

Last edited by fineartdavid (2006-09-30 23:39:12)


#137 2006-10-02 19:01:16

From: Barcelona
Registered: 2005-09-14
Posts: 94

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Thanks David, I’ll try this, it really seems the way to go.


#138 2006-10-03 03:00:28

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Hi all.

I would like to know if it’s possible to do a little merge between bab_newsletter and zem_contact_reborn.

The scenario.
A client needs the following: when a visitor contacts him using the contact form (zem_contact_reborn), the client would like to register the name and e-mail of the visitor into a database.

The idea is that the zem_contact form could also work as a bab_suscribe form. So, the name and e-mail fields and the submit button should be “shared”. The submit button should trigger both actions: send the contact form and add the data to the bab_newsletter database table.

I think an “easy-to-implement” approach could be the following: a checkbox before the submit button. That checkbox, if checked, will trigger the suscription (= will trigger the action of bab_suscribe).

Does this need a true work of merging both plug-ins codes or is there any possible workaround by adding some HTML (related to bab_suscribe) inside a zem_contact form?
That’s the most I can do with my knowledge, so I will try that and will come to share the results!

Thanks <small>and excuse my poor english</small>.

Last edited by maniqui (2006-10-03 03:41:29)

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#139 2006-10-03 08:50:09

From: Brixton, London, UK
Registered: 2005-09-29
Posts: 14

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

The only thing I would say about that idea, if it is possible, is that you would have to make it very clear that they would be subscribed. The law can be quite strict about getting permission to add subscribers in some countries.


#140 2006-10-03 12:46:48

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Yes, fineartdavid. Thanks for the advice.

That’s why I thought about a checkbox (to be or not to be added to the database).
Although, the original idea is to do it silently, just to keep a record of the visitors that contacted the client.

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#141 2006-10-03 13:04:21

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

maniqui, have a look at the post from DaveR in the <a href=“http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=119388#p119388”>zem_contact_reborn</a> topic. I think that is very similar to what you want.


#142 2006-10-03 13:48:00

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Hello all,

I’m working on a release of a major update to the EOP plugin for 4.0.4 that has bulk mailing, and uses ZEM_CONTACT_REBORN as its subscription form (seriously close now … I’ve sent it to the plugin developers mailing list for testing — anyone interested, please contact me at txpplugins@benbruce.com). The ZCR bridge is really easy to set up — but in order to get it to work with your current plugin you’d need some work. Here’s some code and instructions (UNTESTED — I just grabbed code and instructions from the new release and tweaked it) to try:

<P>*Place this at the very top of your plugin:*</p>

//public-side, to register zem_contact

<p>*Place this at the very bottom of your plugin:*</p>

// ZEM_CONTACT API —————————
function bab_nm_zemcontact_submit()
{ global $zem_contact_form; $bab_txp_subscribers_table = PFX.“txp_subscribers”; $bab_nm_zemSubscriberName = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberName’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberEmail = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberEmail’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom1 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom1’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom2 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom2’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom3 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom3’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom4 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom4’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom5 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom5’)); $create_zem[] = safe_query(“INSERT INTO $bab_txp_subscribers_table values (‘’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberName’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberEmail’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom1’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom2’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom3’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom4’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom5’,’‘,’‘)”);

<p>*Here are some instructions for use:*</p>


<ul> <li>Subscription Form <ul> <li>Here’s an example subscription form<br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact to=“example@example.com” &gt;<br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact_text name=“zemSubscriberName” label=“Your Name:” /&gt;<br /> &lt;txp:zem_contact_email name=“zemSubscriberEmail” label=“Your Email:” /&gt; <br /> &lt;txp:zem_contact_text name=“zemSubscriberCustom1” label=“Your Favorite Color:” /&gt;<br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact_checkbox label=“This is not Spam. “ /&gt;<br /> &lt;txp:zem_contact_submit /&gt;
<li>This form will:
<li>Send a subscription notice (ie, an email that so-and-so subscribed) to whatever email address you enter in the “to=” field</li>
<li>Display fields for Subscriber Name, Email, and Favorite Color, and a checkbox that is required as an anti-spam method.</li>
<li>The subscription form is truly customizable. Styling is carefully worked out by the folks over at ZCR — check out <a href=“http://thebombsite.com/txpplugins/408” target=”_blank”>this page</a> for documentation.</li>
<li>I suggest reading the ZCR documentation thoroughly, and taking advantage of all the tag attributes you can.</li>
<li>Proper “name” values are important — the possibilities are:
</li> <li><a href=“http://thebombsite.com/txpplugins/408” target=”_blank”>Zem Contact Reborn documentation page</a> (with great information on Styling and more)</li> <li><a href=“http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=13416” target=”_blank”>Zem Contact Reborn forum thread</a></li> </ul>



<p>Postmaster is quite a major upgrade, but with one caveat — it no longer messes with the HTML emails (this is because, it didn’t seem like there was much success there, and everything I’ve read suggests sending text emails with a link to the HTML version).</p>

<p>But it does have:</p>
<p> – send emails directly from the “Write” tab<br /> – multiple lists<br /> – bulk emailing<br /> – integration with ZCR for the subscription form<br /> – and much more. <br />
<p>Given that jw worked hard on improving HTML management, if there were lots of interest in the HTML capability, seems like it could be added back in and have the updated features.</p>

<p> – Ben

<p>fineartdavid, <s>an unsubscription form won’t be difficult, either. In fact, if you know some php you can tweak the code above to allow for an unsubscribe field and just add a new mysql query. But seeing as I’m at work</s> I couldn’t resist trying, see below (AGAIN, UNTESTED) …</p>

<P>*Place this at the very bottom of your plugin (if you already added the code from above, replace it with this)*</p>
// ZEM_CONTACT API —————————
function bab_nm_zemcontact_submit()
{ global $delete_successful, $zem_contact_form; $bab_txp_subscribers_table = PFX.“txp_subscribers”;

$bab_nm_zemUnSubscribe = doSlash(ps(‘zemUnSubscribe’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberEmail = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberEmail’));

if ($bab_nm_zemUnSubscribe == ‘on’) { if (safe_query(“DELETE from $bab_txp_subscribers_table WHERE email=’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberEmail’”)) { return $delete_successful; } else { return “There was an error. Please contact the administrator of this website. “; } } else { $bab_nm_zemSubscriberName = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberName’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom1 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom1’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom2 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom2’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom3 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom3’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom4 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom4’)); $bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom5 = doSlash(ps(‘zemSubscriberCustom5’)); $create_zem[] = safe_query(“INSERT INTO $bab_txp_subscribers_table values (‘’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberName’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberEmail’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom1’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom2’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom3’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom4’,’$bab_nm_zemSubscriberCustom5’,’‘,’‘)”); }
<P>*Use something like the following as your unsubscribe form*</p>
&lt;txp:zem_contact to=“example@example.com” &gt;<br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact_email name=“zemSubscriberEmail” label=“Enter Your Email:” /&gt; <br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact_text name=“zemUnSubscribe” label=“Unsubscribe:” /&gt;<br />
&lt;txp:zem_contact_submit /&gt;
<P>That should output a field for an email, and a checkbox. If someone checks the box, then the code will remove the subscriber with the email entered. If there is some sort of problem, it just refers you to the website administrator (it’s just a quickie, after all).</p>

Last edited by benbruce (2006-10-03 19:01:07)


#143 2006-10-19 21:40:18

Plugin Author
From: Como
Registered: 2006-10-17
Posts: 248

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

hi bruce. I’ve now installed your plugin, but it dont’work!!

I’have insert in my page the correct form for subscribe users, and it work, but when i insert the Admin preference and i try to save, it will reload the page without show nothing. I’ve see the table txp_nlpre and the date was insert “ i think correctly”. But when i ask Admin preference page it show me a page with all textareas blank! Why that.
So i can’t send any letters. I’ve try but it will not send nothing

Hupf…. sorry for my english.


#144 2006-10-23 00:42:52

Plugin Author
From: London (Hometown: Vancouver)
Registered: 2004-08-03
Posts: 116

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

I just gave it a try and it does seem broken on 4.0.4. Although, it may be me who is broken.

- adc


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