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#193 2006-09-12 14:59:49
- M_i
- Member
- Registered: 2006-03-05
- Posts: 122
Re: mem_self_register
LeeUmm wrote:
Yes I’m still having this problem as well. I’ve been checking this thread for months hoping to see a fix but to no avail.
Same here. My last try was in March, when I set up another txp site. Now I’m creating a site that’s very similar to that one, so I’m revisiting all the plugins that I tried but didn’t work properly back then.
There is improvement though: in those 6 months, the ‘array’ problem I had before has cleared up.
#194 2006-09-14 16:35:31
Re: mem_self_register
Manfre wrote:
Add a field to the database, don’t use the binary or blob types, and then add an html input field to your registration form. Also use for the profile edit form.
To display the information, use<txp:mem_profile var="NAME_OF_FIELD" />
inside one of this plugin’s templates. It currently does not do any type of formatting upon the value, so dates, numbers, and text will be displayed as they come back from the database.
Test this extensively before applying to your live site. Feedback is also a must.
hi manfre
finally got around to trying out the above. added two new fields to database table ‘ign_user’ – ‘nationality’ and ‘age’ – both exactly the same format as other fields in that table – type varchar and null=yes.
just want to say it worked perfectly as expected – I can now list out the information using the success and email forms. Naturally validation is an issue, and the ability to make an element required or not would be good to have, but initially the above worked perfectly, once I updated to plug-in version 0.8.1.
one thing though: how could i log in as a ‘super user’ and view all the account details, like a profile page, but see all that have been added?
would be nice to find some way to attach a picture also – like a gravatar or such.
Last edited by lukepermsn (2006-09-14 16:57:33)
“Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own” – Bruce Lee
#195 2006-10-19 01:56:07
Re: mem_self_register
Has anybody gotten this to work with txp 4.0.4? I upgraded today and can’t get this plugin to work. It makes my whole site crash and gives the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_valid_email() (previously declared in /home/dundas/public_html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php:824) in /home/dundas/public_html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(512) : eval()’d code on line 640
I’ve had to disable the plugin for now.
#196 2006-10-19 03:15:56
Re: mem_self_register
LeeUmm wrote:
Has anybody gotten this to work with txp 4.0.4? I upgraded today and can’t get this plugin to work. It makes my whole site crash and gives the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_valid_email() (previously declared in /home/dundas/public_html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php:824) in /home/dundas/public_html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(512) : eval()’d code on line 640
I’ve had to disable the plugin for now.
I’m on it.
#197 2006-10-19 04:57:00
Re: mem_self_register
Redownload…this problem was already fixed in 0.8.1. Made some minor changes and bumped to 0.8.2
#198 2006-10-19 05:02:28
Re: mem_self_register
Great thanks. Seems to be working fine now.
#199 2006-10-19 14:59:53
Re: mem_self_register
lukepermsn wrote:
finally got around to trying out the above. added two new fields to database table ‘ign_user’ – ‘nationality’ and ‘age’ – both exactly the same format as other fields in that table – type varchar and null=yes. just want to say it worked perfectly as expected
I’ve added the extra fields in the txp_users table, but what I’m not sure about is how to link up these fields with the sign in form. Did you just hard-code the inputs, or is there a way via the tags?
Jon VC#9
#200 2006-10-19 20:20:47
Re: mem_self_register
Okay I’m having another problem.
Using txp 4.0.4 and plugin version 0.8.2
I have a page setup for members to edit their profiles called ‘profiles’. The password tag is causing problems and rendering the profiles page empty. No html is being displayed at all, just a blank page.
I’ve removed every tag on the page and the problem is for sure the password tag. Here is what I’m using
<txp:mem_change_password_form form="mem_edit_password" form_mail="mem_password_email" />
And the form mem_edit_password:
<p>You can change your password by typing in a new one in the field below. The details will be emailed to you. </p>
New Password: <txp:mem_mem_password_input />
<br />
<br />
<txp:mem_submit />
I’ve tried using the tag <txp:mem_password_input>
as I believe that was the old version. The help file says to use mem_mem.
As soon as I take out <txp:mem_change_password_form form="mem_edit_password" form_mail="mem_password_email" />
from my page, it loads properly. I’ve also tried using just <txp:mem_change_password_form />
and it still throws back a blank page.
#201 2006-10-23 00:32:56
Re: mem_self_register
Can anybody confirm that this works with 4.0.4? I just installed a fresh txp to test and installed only 2 plugins, this and ign_password_protect and it still doesn’t work.
I used the basic txp tag <txp:mem_change_password_form />
and it still stops the page from redering in firefox and in IE it gives an error saying page cannot be displayed.
#202 2006-10-30 18:41:27
- saccade
- Plugin Author
- From: Neubeuern, Germany
- Registered: 2004-11-05
- Posts: 521
Re: mem_self_register
I also have problems using mem_self_register.
When trying to use <txp:mem_change_password_form /> my site (fresh 4.0.4 installation) doesn’t work entirely.
#203 2006-11-07 20:47:26
- bartekk
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-09
- Posts: 57
Re: mem_self_register
I’m using this plugin on 4.0.3 and it works perfectly.
I added also more optional fields and it works perfectly too.
Now I want to show all the users data on a special site and i don’t know how to do it?
It is possible with this plugin or have I write an another function to show all data of the users?