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#337 2006-07-16 01:30:30

New Member
Registered: 2006-07-16
Posts: 3

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

This is an amazing plugin, for which I have been extremely pleased with as well as my client on whose site I have been using – until it stopped working!

I am having the same problem as several other users have experienced – I am now getting a blank white page instead of my fantastic Flickr gallery. As stated, it was previously working splendidly.
I am using php 4.4.2, and am not able to upgrade to php5 at this time. Does any one have a solid answer as to why this happens? Like other users, when I remove the vdh_flickr tag in the article, the page displays correctly.

Another strange behavior – when I go to edit the plugin, and click ‘save’, I get a 406 acceptable resource not found error – but this does not occur when I edit and save other plugins I have enabled. Bizarre.

My client is freaking out because the gallery is no longer working, and I just had him sign up for a pro Flickr account to handle all his photos. Any help would be appreciated, thanks to anyone in advance.


#338 2006-07-16 07:17:41

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

The plugin works fine in my MAMP-environment with PHP 4.4.2, so I don’t really know what the problem is. I can only offer that you give me access to that host and let me take a look.


#339 2006-07-18 16:53:07

New Member
Registered: 2006-07-16
Posts: 3

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Update: problem solved. There was a problem with my server – my site was moved by my hosting company because of a problem with the original server (which they repaired). The new server must have had different configurations, or the php was configured incorrectly. I had them move everything back to the original, now repaired server, and the gallery is working again. Anyone who wants a look, it’s on a client’s site: <a href=“http://stepupproductions.com/gallery”>stepupproductions.com/gallery</a>

Thanks again, this is a fantastic plugin, my client is supremely stoked!


#340 2006-07-18 17:57:20

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Good to know.


#341 2006-08-02 12:34:42

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 130

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr


I’ve posted this also under troubleshooting but maybe someone else has run into the same problem and knows a way to solve this:

I have a problem with the vdh_flickr plugin and am almost sure this has something to do with the PHP version. My webhoster is running PHP5 besides PHP4 to avoid problems with current scripts. In order for me to run PHP5 instead of PHP4 I have 2 options (they claim):

1. all file extensions change to .php5 instead of .php
2. create a .htaccess file with AddHandler php5-script .php in it

I guess option nr. 2 is the easiest way but what do I have to do to get this working? When I add the code to the current .htaccess file I get an internal server error. Do I have to create a seperate .htaccess file and upload that to a specific textpattern folder?”

UPDATE: problem is solved, my hosting company had to adjust the memory size(?). Option 2 works fine for me now.


Last edited by maarten (2006-08-09 08:13:21)


#342 2006-08-03 09:31:53

New Member
From: Malaysia
Registered: 2004-08-11
Posts: 8

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I’m having the same problem as seanxian (I think). I’m using php 4.3.11, and not able to upgrade to php5. I’m getting blank pages again and again. Have been trying different ways to get it working, using tips I gather from this long thread. Doesn’t seemed to help much. I’ve noticed that many people have reported the similar problem of a blank page, what is the REAL problem?

Can someone (or larf) take me through a real dumb-beginner’s walkthrough on the most basic steps again. The documentation has it, but I’ve followed every inch of it. Maybe I’m doing something not right…

Getting real flustered working on it…
Thanks in advance for some help.


#343 2006-08-08 22:39:38

From: Hjo, Sweden
Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Hello and thanks for a wonderful plug-in!

Firstly I don’t know if I’m in the right place to post this but I’m using this plug-in, so i guess it is.

I have a layout problem, maybe it can be solved by css or maybe by editing my <code><txp:vdh…></code>-tag. Basically I want thumbnails to open the ‘big’ image in another place then where the thumbs are. Right now it opens where it ‘should’ be if it where a regular kind of gallery, sadly it destroys my design as it is. A image may describe it better, here you are.

I use this kind of tag<code>
<txp:vdh_flickr_thumbnails nsid=“XXXXXXXX@N00” set=“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” thumbnails_form=“thumbnails” random=“12” />

And i figured it might be something with use_articleurl=“1” but I don’t believe so anymore.


#344 2006-08-09 18:36:03

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I just returned from a holiday today and will be looking into all your issues soon.


#345 2006-08-11 16:21:59

From: Hjo, Sweden
Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Are my design even possible right now? with vdh_flickr..


#346 2006-08-11 16:44:01

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I think so. I will try it out and send you instructions, if it works.


#347 2006-08-12 11:39:56

From: Hjo, Sweden
Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 36

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I look forward to your solution.


#348 2006-08-13 11:21:41

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr


Put this code in an article or template, it should be close to what you want. Of course you still need to wrap some divs around it and some other stuff.

<txp:vdh_flickr_env nsid=“43973976@N00” listmode=“text” />

<txp:vdh_flickr_set_list wraptag=‘ul’ break=‘li’ nsid=“43973976@N00” listmode=“text” />

<txp:vdh_flickr_thumbnails_list nsid=“43973976@N00” wraptag=“ul” break=“li” listmode=“img” />

<txp:vdh_flickr />


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