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#325 2006-07-04 05:14:11

From: Rhône-Alpes, France
Registered: 2005-04-18
Posts: 557

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

ralph wrote:

You can change the order of the pictures in the Flickr Organizr (button “arrange”).

You can in a set, not with <vdh_flickr_thumbnails tags="mytag"/> for example. But the date and hour data are present in Flickr… so I think maybe it is possible to integrate it as some attribute in Either for vdh_flickr_thumbnails (and wy not, to override a Flickr set order in the basic <vdh_flickr set="myset"/> tag ?

Last edited by Niconemo (2006-07-04 05:20:16)



#326 2006-07-04 06:40:58

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

OK, this makes sense to me. So I think this is possible for the next version.


#327 2006-07-04 06:45:01

From: Rhône-Alpes, France
Registered: 2005-04-18
Posts: 557

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

ralph wrote:

OK, this makes sense to me. So I think this is possible for the next version.

Bravo !



#328 2006-07-07 19:23:01

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,909

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I’m adding this nice plugin to the plugin archives archive in TextBook, but the thread starter here is “larf” and later representation is by “ralph”. Who should be getting the author status? Is larf ralph, or was there a change of hands somewhere along the way that I missed. Sorry. I guess I’ll notate it as larf/ralph and hope for the best. Feel free to go in an edit, anyone.

Last edited by Destry (2006-07-08 10:37:21)


#329 2006-07-08 09:25:48

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Ehm, I think this needs some explaination. At the time I found TextPattern, I was trying out a gazillion content management systems. And when I needed to ask a thing or two, I signed up in their forums with a username that I found by smacking my hands on the keyboard. In the TextPattern forum, this name was “larf”. I intended to sign up with a different username later, but then I accidently made some announcements about the flickr-plugin and decided to stick with this name. As time passed by, I found this username more and more disgusting, and I did not find any possibility to change it in the punbb settings. So I just signed up with my realname “ralph”. That’s the whole story and I hope it clears up some things.


#330 2006-07-08 09:42:50

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,909

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

That’s an hilariously wonderful story.

I found this username more and more disgusting

I hate to do this to you, but in American slang (maybe you already know), there’s an expression, “ralf”, which implies what “larf” seems to connotate.

At any rate, if you ask Mary, I’m sure she can perhaps change both of your accounts to “Ralph” and then you’re as one again. She’s done this for folks before.


#331 2006-07-13 23:48:30

New Member
Registered: 2006-07-13
Posts: 2

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I’ve just installed the plugin and impressed with it so far.

However I’ve an odd error coming up when I click on a thumbnail image. The larger image appears fine, the following appears at the top of the page:

tag_error <txp:vdh_flickr_img_date_posted/> -> Warning: strftime() expects parameter 2 to be long, object given on line 829

I’m just running the plugin in the basic default mode, as described in the Quickstart section of the documentation.

Any ideas what’s going on here?


#332 2006-07-14 09:29:16

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

I will fix this in the new version. Until then you can go to Admin -> Preferences and change the Production status to “live” to suppress error messages.


#333 2006-07-14 10:51:41

New Member
Registered: 2006-07-13
Posts: 2

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Thanks for the quick response (and a great plugin)!

That’s done the trick. Now I can’t start knocking it all into shape for my site :-)


#334 2006-07-15 01:28:46

Archived Plugin Author
From: Brussels, Belgium
Registered: 2005-09-12
Posts: 136

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Hello Ralph,

Congratulations for you plugin. I would like to publish my Flickr photos on my website and I think your plugin is my best solution for the moment.

Anyway, have you ever considered using the excellent phpFlickr library as a base for your plugin? I think it would make your life easier.

Last edited by cbeyls (2006-07-15 01:29:18)

My plugins : cbs_live_search (improved) – cbs_category_list – cbs_navigation_menu – cbs_gravatar (updated) – cbs_article_index – cbs_maintenance_mode (new) – cbs_section_language (new)


#335 2006-07-15 07:02:10

Registered: 2005-02-28
Posts: 106

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Yes, using an api would make my life easier. But unfortunately, TextPattern currently does not have a possibility to package several php files into one plugin file, so the installation would be more complex for the users. But the next major version will use an api, either Phlickr or phpFlickr.


#336 2006-07-15 13:21:38

Archived Plugin Author
From: Brussels, Belgium
Registered: 2005-09-12
Posts: 136

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] vdh_flickr

Nice decision!

For the more complex installation, I think it would not be too difficult for the users to just drop a library file in /lib. Then a plugin can easily import it:

<code>include_once txpath.’/lib/my_lib.php’;</code>

I think you should go for phpFlickr because it’s a much more active project, it’s used by a lot of php scripts, and it’s compatible with php4.

My plugins : cbs_live_search (improved) – cbs_category_list – cbs_navigation_menu – cbs_gravatar (updated) – cbs_article_index – cbs_maintenance_mode (new) – cbs_section_language (new)


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