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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
I think it’s all fixed now.
Anyway, I’m having a lot of troubles updating the plugin.
Currently, I’m gziping the plugin using php. I’ve created a small script to output the contents of the plugins after to gzip it, reading from the gzip file.
The screen output looks well, but when I try to update it, nothing changes in the instaled code.
last version fix teh misplaced double quote, and checks
if(!empty($s) && $section!="default"){
Can you see these changes?. Any idea?.
Pedro Palazón
http://kusor.net http://kusor.com
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Not at all, akvalley; TXP design makes really easy to share these small utilities
I hope to improve it adding alternate links, first and last, and making the prev and next links to work with sections and categories also.
Anyway, I’m going test it strongly before to launch next version ;-).
Ah!, about my problem updating plugins code: a bad firefox cache configuration. Things which happen when you’ve got more than one computer.
Pedro Palazón
http://kusor.net http://kusor.com
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Hey Kusor,
Under Gamma 1.18 this plugin gives me the following error:
8: Undefined variable: title in /tmp/pluginsi0zXxi at line 39
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function: debug_backtrace() in <b>/homepages/25/d89689749/htdocs/txp/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php</b> on line <b>94</b>
Any ideas? I’m going to look into it now.
Last edited by ramanan (2004-04-11 16:59:21)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Try commenting out the set_error_handler line at the top of /lib/txplib_misc.php
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Dean, that was the problem. Thanks for the quick response.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Since TXP works fine for PHP versions older than 4.3 – I’ve got it working properly on a PHP 4.2.2 production environment – seems logical to enclose that call to debug_backtrace in an if sentence, like
if(function_exists("debug_backtrace")){ ... }
I think that isn’t too complex to maintain compatibility with 4.2 versions, until a new TXP cool feature needs to break it.
Anyway, I’m going to check for defined, non empty variables for all plugins I develop from now. Hope a new revision of the plugin today.
Pedro Palazón
http://kusor.net http://kusor.com
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
True enough: that call to debug_backtrace is just something I use for dev – it shouldn’t have made it to release.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ppc_navigation_aid
Thank you for this plugin