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#1 2006-05-17 09:10:21

New Member
Registered: 2006-05-17
Posts: 3

Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

I can’t make a new catagorie in ‘Article Catagories’. When I do so it’s made in the database but I can’t see it in Textpattern. Any suggestions??


#2 2006-05-17 09:44:45

Plugin Author
From: Missoula, MT
Registered: 2005-11-27
Posts: 1,746

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Are you sure it’s not a browser-caching issue? I’ve had that problem with Opera’s cache before. Try a reload/hard refresh (ctrl+R/Ctrl+F5 Win/Linux).


#3 2006-05-17 09:54:52

New Member
Registered: 2006-05-17
Posts: 3

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Thanx, but that did’t work. I made a hard refresh and it didn’t solve the problem.


#4 2006-05-17 10:03:21

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 130

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

It’s really strange. As soon as you create a new category it says that the article already exists although it doesn’t. After the creation you can see the category in the category table but not in TXP itself.


Last edited by maarten (2006-05-17 14:21:16)


#5 2006-05-17 14:43:10

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Here and here similar problems are discussed. Have you read them?


#6 2006-05-17 15:03:23

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 130

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Now I have :), thanks Els.

I don’t want to mess with his database to try things out and he doesn’t have a local install for testpurposes.

Anyway, here is the code of the category table. Hope someone can make a definite conclusion as to what is wrong here:

— phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
— version
— http://www.phpmyadmin.net

— Host: localhost:3306
— Generation Time: May 17, 2006 at 05:05 PM
— Server version: 4.0.23
PHP Version: 5.1.2

— Database: `13something_com`

— ————————————————————————————

— Table structure for table `txp_category`

CREATE TABLE `txp_category` ( `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’, `type` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’, `parent` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’, `lft` int(6) NOT NULL default ‘0’, `rgt` int(6) NOT NULL default ‘0’, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

— Dumping data for table `txp_category`

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (98, ‘root’, ‘file’, ‘’, 1, 2, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (97, ‘root’, ‘image’, ‘’, 1, 30, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (96, ‘root’, ‘link’, ‘’, 1, 2, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (77, ‘climbthing’, ‘link’, ‘climbthing’, 0, 0, ‘climbthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (68, ‘climbthing’, ‘article’, ‘climbthing’, 0, 0, ‘climbthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (106, ‘Girlthing’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 12, 13, ‘Girlthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (70, ‘dancething’, ‘article’, ‘dancething’, 0, 0, ‘dancething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (71, ‘something’, ‘article’, ‘something’, 0, 0, ‘something’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (51, ‘site-design’, ‘image’, ‘site-design’, 0, 0, ‘site design’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (95, ‘root’, ‘article’, ‘’, 1, 18, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (72, ‘climbthing’, ‘image’, ‘climbthing’, 0, 0, ‘climbthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (73, ‘girlthing’, ‘image’, ‘girlthing’, 0, 0, ‘girlthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (74, ‘dancething’, ‘image’, ‘dancething’, 0, 0, ‘dancething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (75, ‘homething’, ‘article’, ‘homething’, 0, 0, ‘homething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (82, ‘homething’, ‘image’, ‘homething’, 0, 0, ‘homething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (78, ‘dancething’, ‘link’, ‘dancething’, 0, 0, ‘dancething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (79, ‘girlthing’, ‘link’, ‘girlthing’, 0, 0, ‘girlthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (80, ‘homething’, ‘link’, ‘homething’, 0, 0, ‘homething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (81, ‘something’, ‘link’, ‘something’, 0, 0, ‘something’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (83, ‘something’, ‘image’, ‘something’, 0, 0, ‘something’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (100, ‘Eifel’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 24, 25, ‘Eifel’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (101, ‘Eifel’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 8, 9, ‘Eifel’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (99, ‘article-38’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 8, 9, ‘article-38’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (84, ‘bouldering’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 20, 21, ‘bouldering’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (85, ‘article-36’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 4, 5, ‘article-36’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (86, ‘Bleau’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 18, 19, ‘Bleau’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (87, ‘Pfalz’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 26, 27, ‘Pfalz’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (88, ‘Eaux-Claires’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 22, 23, ‘Eaux-Claires’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (89, ‘Training’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 28, 29, ‘Training’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (90, ‘Bleau’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 2, 3, ‘Bleau’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (91, ‘Eaux-Claires’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 6, 7, ‘Eaux-Claires’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (92, ‘Pfalz’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 14, 15, ‘Pfalz’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (93, ‘Training’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 16, 17, ‘Training’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (94, ‘article-37’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 6, 7, ‘article-37’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (104, ‘article-39’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 10, 11, ‘article-39’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (103, ‘article-40’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 12, 13, ‘article-40’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (105, ‘article-41’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 14, 15, ‘article-41’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (110, ‘article-55’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 16, 17, ‘article-55’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (109, ‘Friends’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 10, 11, ‘Friends’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (111, ‘Homething’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 12, 13, ‘Homething’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (112, ‘Climbthing’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 4, 5, ‘Climbthing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (113, ‘Some’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘Some’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (114, ‘thing’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘thing’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (117, ‘home’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘home’);
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (119, ‘article-116’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 2, 3, ‘article-116’);


#7 2006-05-17 18:58:19

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Yep, yours got borked somehow too. I’ve got the feeling it has something to do with the fact that the “parent” dropdown allows you to choose a category to be it’s own parent (which shouldn’t be).

Drop your txp_category database and…

CREATE TABLE `txp_category` (
  `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `type` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `parent` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `lft` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `rgt` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (1, 'root', 'article', '', 1, 34, 'root');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (5, 'climbthing', 'article', 'root', 2, 3, 'climbthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (6, 'dancething', 'article', 'root', 4, 5, 'dancething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (7, 'something', 'article', 'root', 6, 7, 'something');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (8, 'homething', 'article', 'root', 8, 9, 'homething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (9, 'Bleau', 'article', 'root', 10, 11, 'Bleau');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (10, 'Eaux-Claires', 'article', 'root', 12, 13, 'Eaux-Claires');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (11, 'Pfalz', 'article', 'root', 14, 15, 'Pfalz');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (12, 'Training', 'article', 'root', 16, 17, 'Training');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (13, 'Eifel', 'article', 'root', 18, 19, 'Eifel');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (14, 'Girlthing', 'article', 'root', 20, 21, 'Girlthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (15, 'Friends', 'article', 'root', 22, 23, 'Friends');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (16, 'Homething', 'article', 'root', 24, 25, 'Homething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (17, 'Climbthing', 'article', 'root', 26, 27, 'Climbthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (18, 'Some', 'article', 'root', 28, 29, 'Some');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (19, 'thing', 'article', 'root', 30, 31, 'thing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (20, 'home', 'article', 'root', 32, 33, 'home');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (2, 'root', 'link', '', 1, 12, 'root');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (21, 'climbthing', 'link', 'root', 2, 3, 'climbthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (22, 'dancething', 'link', 'root', 4, 5, 'dancething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (23, 'girlthing', 'link', 'root', 6, 7, 'girlthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (24, 'homething', 'link', 'root', 8, 9, 'homething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (25, 'something', 'link', 'root', 10, 11, 'something');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (3, 'root', 'image', '', 1, 42, 'root');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (26, 'site-design', 'image', 'root', 2, 3, 'site design');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (27, 'climbthing', 'image', 'root', 4, 5, 'climbthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (28, 'girlthing', 'image', 'root', 6, 7, 'girlthing');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (29, 'dancething', 'image', 'root', 8, 9, 'dancething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (30, 'homething', 'image', 'root', 10, 11, 'homething');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (31, 'something', 'image', 'root', 12, 13, 'something');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (32, 'bouldering', 'image', 'root', 14, 15, 'bouldering');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (33, 'article-36', 'image', 'root', 16, 17, 'article-36');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (34, 'Bleau', 'image', 'root', 18, 19, 'Bleau');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (35, 'Pfalz', 'image', 'root', 20, 21, 'Pfalz');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (36, 'Eaux-Claires', 'image', 'root', 22, 23, 'Eaux-Claires');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (37, 'Training', 'image', 'root', 24, 25, 'Training');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (38, 'article-37', 'image', 'root', 26, 27, 'article-37');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (39, 'article-38', 'image', 'root', 28, 29, 'article-38');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (40, 'Eifel', 'image', 'root', 30, 31, 'Eifel');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (41, 'article-39', 'image', 'root', 32, 33, 'article-39');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (42, 'article-40', 'image', 'root', 34, 35, 'article-40');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (43, 'article-41', 'image', 'root', 36, 37, 'article-41');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (44, 'article-55', 'image', 'root', 38, 39, 'article-55');
INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (45, 'article-116', 'image', 'root', 40, 41, 'article-116');

INSERT INTO `txp_category` VALUES (4, 'root', 'file', '', 1, 2, 'root');



#8 2006-05-17 21:15:49

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 130

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'

Mary you’re great :)

Everything is ok now! thanks.


#9 2006-05-17 22:05:53

New Member
Registered: 2006-05-17
Posts: 3

Re: Problems with making new catagorie in 'Article Categories'



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