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#1 2006-03-21 21:32:24
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Categories not displaying in Textpattern
This being my first post I hope I haven’t overlooked anything. I did a
search on the forums and read the FAQ but could not find anything that
completely matched my problem.
I’m having problems creating new Article Categories within textpattern.
After typing a new category name and pressing the Create button I get a
404 error page. After refreshing the page and checking the Article
Categories the new ones I’ve just created are not listed. If I try to
create the categories again I get an error message stating that these
categories already exist. I also cannot find any reference to the
categories when editing an article.
I’ve uploaded a screenshot to give you an idea what I’m talking about.
I will admit that I am very much a beginner when it comes to PHP and mySQL
and would not feel comfortable having to edit the database without some
Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
#2 2006-03-21 23:19:11
- rsilletti
- Moderator
- From: Spokane WA
- Registered: 2004-04-28
- Posts: 707
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Perhaps a look at titles versus names with your categories. You can have a category named “test” with a title like “A testing category”. It will be shown as “A testing category” on the admin screen and still be category “test”. I know it has caught me once or twice.
Click on the category links and see if one may actually be the “test” category.
#3 2006-03-22 00:00:52
- zem
- Developer Emeritus
- From: Melbourne, Australia
- Registered: 2004-04-08
- Posts: 2,579
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
After typing a new category name and pressing the Create button I get a 404 error page.
What URL does your browser show in its address bar on that 404 error page?
#4 2006-03-22 00:35:15
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
The 404 page has the following URL:
Occasionally I also get a blank page instead of the 404 error with the same URL.
Last edited by Algaris (2006-03-22 00:51:10)
#5 2006-03-22 01:43:14
- zem
- Developer Emeritus
- From: Melbourne, Australia
- Registered: 2004-04-08
- Posts: 2,579
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Assuming that’s the correct URL for your Textpattern admin page, it sounds like there’s something fishy going on with your server. Could be a spam filter.
To make sure, move or rename your .htaccess file and see if it still happens.
#6 2006-03-22 09:24:13
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Thank you for your help.
I renamed my .htaccess file and tried to create another category. The same 404 error page came up and the new category didn’t display after a refresh.
#7 2006-03-22 16:41:17
- els
- Moderator
- From: The Netherlands
- Registered: 2004-06-06
- Posts: 7,458
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Here is a thread about a similar problem. You may need Mary ;)
(On second thought, it may not be the same problem…)
Last edited by els (2006-03-22 16:42:21)
#8 2006-03-22 16:52:23
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
It is similar. Must admit I don’t know enough about txp or mySQL to see if it is the same problem.
One thing I did realise, the only the only working categories I have are the original ones that are installed as standard (I renamed them for my own needs), all the new ones I’ve tried to add won’t display.
#9 2006-03-23 15:55:02
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
As a test I installed a copy of Textpattern in another directory and tried creating, editing and deleting Article Categories. Everything worked fine without any problems. This leads me to the following conclusions: either there is something wrong my installation or the mySQL database.
I suppose worst case scenario I could do a copy and paste job into the new installation and hopefully that would fix things.
#10 2006-03-24 02:50:37
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Yeah, it looks like you may have the same/similar problem that Els had. Are you able to do a mysql dump of your txp_category table (using a database management program like phpMyAdmin, your host has likely provided one)?
#11 2006-03-24 09:53:36
- Algaris
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: 2006-01-27
- Posts: 565
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Thanks for helping Mary. Is this what you meant? What do I need to do with it now?
— phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
— version 2.6.4-pl2
— http://www.phpmyadmin.net
— Host: localhost
— Generation Time: Mar 24, 2006 at 09:43 AM
— Server version: 4.1.15
— PHP Version: 4.4.2-1
— Database: `uks51750mic`
— ————————————————————————————
— Table structure for table `_mictxp_category`
CREATE TABLE `_mictxp_category` (
`id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
`type` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
`parent` varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
`lft` int(6) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
`rgt` int(6) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’,
— Dumping data for table `_mictxp_category`
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (67, ‘root’, ‘file’, ‘agricultural-heritage’, 1, 2, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (66, ‘root’, ‘image’, ‘agricultural-heritage’, 1, 4, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (65, ‘root’, ‘link’, ‘agricultural-heritage’, 1, 4, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (12, ‘textpattern’, ‘link’, ‘root’, 2, 3, ‘textpattern’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (15, ‘applied-and-fine-art’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 4, 5, ‘Applied & Fine Art’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (14, ‘1234’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 7046, 7047, ‘1234’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (16, ‘agricultural-heritage’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 6, 7, ‘Agricultural Heritage’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (51, ‘site-design’, ‘image’, ‘root’, 2, 3, ‘site design’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (64, ‘root’, ‘article’, ‘agricultural-heritage’, 1, 8, ‘root’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (68, ‘Fishing’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘Fishing’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (69, ‘fish’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘fish’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (70, ‘test’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (71, ‘test2’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test2’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (72, ‘test3’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test3’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (73, ‘test4’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test4’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (74, ‘test5’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test5’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (75, ‘test6’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test6’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (76, ‘test7’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test7’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (77, ‘test101’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘test101’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (78, ‘me’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘me’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (79, ‘1234’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 7046, 7047, ‘1234’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (80, ‘foobar’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘foobar’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (81, ‘wossname’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘wossname’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (82, ‘hello’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘hello’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (83, ‘hello2’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘hello2’);
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (84, ‘hello123’, ‘article’, ‘root’, 0, 0, ‘hello123’);
#12 2006-03-24 10:01:20
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: Categories not displaying in Textpattern
Woo, your table is seriously borked.
Okay, click on the “empty” tab of phpMyAdmin for your _mictxp_category table, then run this SQL:
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (1, 'root', 'article', '', 1, 2, 'root');
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (2, 'root', 'link', '', 1, 2, 'root');
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (3, 'root', 'image', '', 1, 2, 'root');
INSERT INTO `_mictxp_category` VALUES (4, 'root', 'file', '', 1, 2, 'root');
It’ll mean you just need to recreate your categories, as I couldn’t tell which ones were test ones versus the ones you actually wanted. The four entries above are hidden categories, which need to be there for categories to work properly. :)
Last edited by Mary (2006-03-24 10:01:48)