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#1 2006-03-05 14:59:15

Registered: 2004-11-26
Posts: 162

Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Hi everyone!

I´m currently developing a site based on txp for easy maintenance and handling. I could really use your opinion in which image-plugin/mod I should use on this project. The structure of the image-section looks something like this:

/galleries/ (a kind of index-page for this section)

The clients should easily be able to create new galleries ie new articles. The galleries should with as little effort as possible generate thumbnail/full-size-display, perhaps with a little help from glx_admin_image_resize or something like that.

I’m quite familiar with rss_thumbpop since I’ve used it on a couple of sites, but It doesn’t seem to meet my needs on this one.

The lightbox-solution looks pretty cool, but I dont think it is fit for this purpose… or will it? ;)

The most important thing is that it should be really easy for the clients to work with.
I would really appreciate some suggestions in this matter.


Last edited by joel (2006-03-05 15:02:35)


#2 2006-03-05 15:10:05

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

I don’t know if I understand your needs (I’m not sure why the rss_thumbpop won’t fit you), but you can give a try to my bos_image_display plugin, if you want.

Something to know:

  • it uses image category to generate the galleries. Just assign a cat to the image, and you should be done, assuming that thumbnail is there
  • You may have a list of all categories under a parent category, to have things more ordinated.
  • No article is created, just categories.

This fit one single gallery as more than one gallery organized under parent(s) category.

No javascript and no pop-up. Those are the main differences with rss_thumbpop, I think. So it’s up to you to decide. Feel free to ask more if you’re unsure.



#3 2006-03-05 15:39:59

Registered: 2004-11-26
Posts: 162

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Hi Zanza and thanks for your quick reply!

I apologize for my poor english writing.
The reason why rss_thumbpop wont work for me is that It can only show one gallery / section as far as I can see it.

I need a tool that automatically creates a gallery when uploading the images into a specific category. I want the gallery attached to a certain article since every gallery page also contains some text. All the articles are posted under the parent section called “galleries”.

The most important thing is that the client should be able to create new galleries/articles easily, without “messing around” in the txp-code if you know what I mean.


#4 2006-03-05 16:11:09

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Well, my plugin manage multiple galleries by assigning images to category, so that should work for you.

I’m not sure about the “attaching an article” thing. Maybe this can be done with standard textpattern tags, by using the image categories. I don’t know.

Anyway, some information about the galleries can be stored in the caption. I.e., you could use the caption of first image to write some informations. Then, in displaying the gallery index (txp:bos_image_display) you could try to use the offset attribute to avoid its displaying, if you don’t want it in the gallery.

This need some trying.




#5 2006-03-05 16:20:57

From: Falls Church, VA
Registered: 2004-05-16
Posts: 407

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

I think bas_lightbox plugin and the /section/title permalink mode will work beautifully for you.

<blockquote>I need a tool that automatically creates a gallery when uploading the images into a specific category.</blockquote>

bas_lightbox doesn’t create them automatically (I don’t know any tool that does), but it’s pretty close. As far as I can tell, there are only two ways to use it:

  • <code><txp:bas_lightbox cat=“flowers”/></code> to display all images in the <em>flowers</em> category, and
  • <code><txp:bas_lightbox img=“4,8,71” /></code> to display images 4, 8, and 71 only.

Your client would have to upload the images (and make note of the categories or ID numbers), start a new article, and put the <code><txp:bas_lightbox /></code> tag and any attributes in the article body. I don’t think it could get much simpler.


#6 2006-03-05 17:03:17

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Elenita wrote:
> bas_lightbox doesn’t create them automatically (I don’t know any tool that does), but it’s pretty close.

Uhm… this is not fully true. I did my plugin to let clients automatically create gallery (and list them as gallery) based on category.

Yes, you always have to create and assign category. But there’s no need of hardcoding the category in the txp tags. This is done by assigning the category to one parent. So, as an example, you just create a parent category called “galleries”.

Then, you can create galleries by creating news categories (i.e., “holidays”, “people”, “flowers”), assigning images to those categories, and assigning all those categories you want to be galleries to the parent category “galleries” (that you, and not the client, first created).

This is what the client need to do. But this is not coding: just managing the txp basic interface.

Then, you put the following tag:

<txp:bos_subcat_image_index cat="galleries" title="1" link="1" />

in your page template you use for gallery and that should list the preview of every gallery, included the new ones created by your client, linked to the full gallery.

Remember you need to put in the same template also the bos_image_display and bos_image_index to actually display the gallery where you want.

You may control the displaying of the index by using the conditionals included in the bos_if_cat_parent plugin. In that way, in the section page (no category selected: txp:bos_if_not_category) you may display the bos_subcat_image_index tag, but you can avoid displaying that gallery summary when you are in a category.

When you are in a category (or in a category whose parent is “galleries”) you need to put the bos_image_display and bos_image_index wrapped in a if_category tag or in a bos_if_cat_parent is=“galleries” tag.

So you can have a complete list of galleries managed by your client, without hardcoding them, and with an indefinite number of galleries created by him.

Maybe the logic behind the plugin sound unusual, but I think this is the best automation for a client I can imagine (at least, I did it for that purpose).

Anyway, I like bas_lightbox very much! That’s simply another way of managing galleries.



Last edited by Zanza (2006-03-05 17:03:51)


#7 2006-03-06 02:41:07

From: Falls Church, VA
Registered: 2004-05-16
Posts: 407

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

I stand corrected, Zanza. And I apologize.


#8 2006-03-06 07:44:48

Registered: 2004-11-26
Posts: 162

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Thanks for the input! I’ve decided to go with the bos_subcat_image_index plugin for this! It looks very promising!


#9 2006-03-06 09:41:38

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Elenita: no need to apologize! :) I was just trying to explain the plugin. Maybe I’d better to put online an example page with some galleries and code used, but this need more time. Maybe in the next week.

Joel: I’m happy if this solve your problem. If you have suggestions or find bugs, please report them.




#10 2006-03-06 16:53:28

From: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Registered: 2006-01-06
Posts: 256

Re: Need suggestions for client site and the handlings of images

Zanza, I also would be very interested in such an example page!



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