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[archived] rom_simple_archive
Notice: This thread is archived, this plugin is no longer available.
Here’s my first (and maybe the only) plugin.
It’s based on mdn_section_archive by Mark Norton.
It generate a simple w3c compliant archive list (like a lot other) but more semantique.
The plugin in action : http://ckkoshi.free.fr/?s=archive
The xhtml/txp tag :
<div id=“center”>
 <div class=“ArticleIndex”>
  <h2><a href=”?s=archive”>Archive</a> :</h2>
  <h3><a href=”?”>L’Actualité</a></h3>
  <txp:rom_simple_archive section=“nouvelle” monthtag=“h4” />
  <h3><a href=”?s=article”>Les Articles</a></h3>
  <txp:rom_simple_archive section=“article” monthtag=“h4” />
  <hr />
  <txp:breadcrumb wraptag=“p” label=“Test” sep=” —> “ link=“y” />
The plugin : http://ckkoshi.free.fr/ressource/txp_plugin/rom_simple_archive.php
I hope it’s not too much bugged. :D
Sorry for my french english.
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