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#1 2005-02-24 02:00:07
- brian.zerangue
- Member
- Registered: 2005-02-15
- Posts: 62
zem_contact and RC3 --- Select List not working
I’m having difficulty with zem_contact plugin in RC3 getting zem_contact_select to work… if I set it as REQUIRED… even if I choose and an option it says requiring item is missing.
If I remove the REQUIRED field from zem_contact_select… when the message is submitted the selection doesn’t come through with the message.
Here’s my code…
<txp:zem_contact mailto="my mail address here">
<p><txp:zem_contact_text label="Name" required=1 /></p>
<p><txp:zem_contact_email /></p>
<txp:zem_contact_select label="Subject" list=",One,Two" />
<p><txp:zem_contact_textarea label="Message" required=1/>
<p><txp:zem_contact_submit label="Send Message" /></p>
Last edited by brian.zerangue (2005-02-24 02:12:11)
#2 2005-02-24 10:04:01
- lee
- Member
- From: Normandy, France
- Registered: 2004-06-17
- Posts: 831
Re: zem_contact and RC3 --- Select List not working
The select has never worked. The fix is in Zem’s original thread, look for one of my posts in there and you’ll find the fix.