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#1 Yesterday 09:06:23

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 588

EBL_Code_Editor 1.0

Announcing EBL_Code_Editor for Textpattern

I’ve disliked working with generic textareas in lieu of a proper IDE, so I decided to integrate Ace, an embeddable code-editor to improve Textpattern’s default editing experience. It all happened because I couldn’t indent code with my tab key. Tonight that annoyed me, so this spiralled out of control and now I have this plugin.

Without further ado, I give you ebl_code_editor:
Download it here

Once installed, you can “set it and forget it.” It works on yourStyles, Pages, or Forms pages and creates a proper coding interface with tabs, syntax highlighting, etc. It is CDN based, but you can change that if you want to download and change the link in the plugin code.


#2 Yesterday 09:35:13

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,272
Website GitHub

Re: EBL_Code_Editor 1.0

TheEric wrote #338740:

It all happened because I couldn’t indent code with my tab key. Tonight that annoyed me, so this spiralled out of control and now I have this plugin.

Thank you for the plugin! Now we can tell you that indent works with Shift+Space :-)


#3 Yesterday 16:42:13

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 588

Re: EBL_Code_Editor 1.0

etc wrote #338741:

Thank you for the plugin! Now we can tell you that indent works with Shift+Space :-)

Oh I know. The muscle memory to do that just isn’t there so it didn’t work well for me, so I went for the overkill approach :)


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