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#1 2024-06-14 07:17:13
- joanlafulla_Almas
- Member
- Registered: 2011-02-25
- Posts: 21
Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
I have a list of movies on my website. I want the user to be able to save any of those movies by saving them in a list. I will save the item IDs in a localstorage.
And on the “My Favorites” page I want to make an article_custom with the IDs extracted from localstorage. But I don’t get it.
This is the code I’m using mixing the textpattern variable with Javascript:
var mylist = localStorage.getItem("movies"); // With this line I get a list of id in localstorage - ex: (12, 25, 13)
<txp:variable name="mylist" value="<script>document.write(mylist);</script>" output="1"/> // I can see the IDs in the screen
<txp:article_custom id="<txp:variable name='mylist' value='<script>document.write(mylist);</script>' output='1'/>"> // THIS DOESN'T WORK but not show an error.
<txp:title />
EDIT (admin): added bc..{space}{newline}html{newline}…
for code formatting
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
You’re nearly there: you just need to use single quotes for txp tag attributes that should be processed, e.g.:
var mylist = localStorage.getItem("movies"); // Get a list of id#s in localstorage - ex: (12, 25, 13)
<txp:variable name="mylist" value="<script>document.write(mylist);</script>" />
<txp:article_custom id='<txp:variable name="mylist" />'>
<txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink>
Something like that should work
TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
Nope, I’m afraid, because the tags are processed server-side, before the script runs on the client side. You literally call
<txp:article_custom id='<script>document.write(mylist);</script>' />
but this id
means nothing to the server. To make it work, you’d need a second ajax call, once the ids are retrieved.
#4 2024-06-14 14:03:51
- joanlafulla_Almas
- Member
- Registered: 2011-02-25
- Posts: 21
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
etc wrote #337292:
Nope, I’m afraid, because the tags are processed server-side, before the script runs on the client side. You literally call
<txp:article_custom id='<script>document.write(mylist);</script>' />...
but this
means nothing to the server. To make it work, you’d need a second ajax call, once the ids are retrieved.
Thank you very much. I’m going to investigate the part of a second ajax call.
There is a tag in textpattern: <txp:if_request>
Do you think this could be a way to implement something similar I need?
Last edited by joanlafulla_Almas (2024-06-14 14:12:37)
#6 2024-06-14 15:11:07
- joanlafulla_Almas
- Member
- Registered: 2011-02-25
- Posts: 21
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
Ok. I continues investigating with Ajax call (It’s hard because I never use Ajax before) because I don’t have JQuery in my site.
Thanks a lot.
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
etc wrote #337292:
Nope, I’m afraid, because the tags are processed server-side, before the script runs on the client side. You literally call
<txp:article_custom id='<script>document.write(mylist);</script>' />...
but this
means nothing to the server. To make it work, you’d need a second ajax call, once the ids are retrieved.
Apologies, my bad.
So, I guess using cookies (which are retrievable via php) rather than localstorage would work here without js/ajax. It’d wouldn’t be in-the-moment (i.e. show the current page in the visited pages), but it would work from the next page load onwards.
TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp
#9 2024-06-15 10:52:04
- joanlafulla_Almas
- Member
- Registered: 2011-02-25
- Posts: 21
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
I have tried it with fetch().
I have managed to pass a variable through POST and collect it in a PHP block. But the only thing I have managed to do is paint that variable in a div#result.
What I would like is to take that variable (myVar) that I have collected in PHP ($request_raw = file_get_contents(‘php://input’);) and be able to use it in a textpattern variable.
And then use that variable in the article_custom call. Something similar to:
<txp:article_custom id=”<txp:variable name=“myVar” /> // this “myVar” is the value collected in the POST via PHP.
This is my code:
$myVar = file_get_contents(‘php://input’);
echo $myVar;
var myVar = “hola mundo”
fetch(document.location.href, {
method: “POST”,
body: myVar,
}).then(resp => {
const err = new Error(“Error response”);
err.resp = resp;
throw err;
return resp.text();
}).catch(err =>{
}).then(body => {
document.getElementById(‘result’).innerText = body;
<div id=“result”></div> // Here I paint the echo “$myVar” from PHP
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
As @jakob says, cookie way might be more straightforward. But if you prefer localStorage, a hidden iframe provides an easy solution. You would need to
- create a custom HTML-type form, say
<txp:if_request type="get" name="favids" value>
<txp:article_custom id='<txp:page_url type="favids" />' wraptag="p" break>
<txp:title />
- and paste this block where you want the favourite articles to appear:
<iframe hidden id="my-frame" name="my-frame" onload="htmz(this)"></iframe>
function htmz(frame) {
var mylist = localStorage.getItem("movies"), frame=document.getElementById("my-frame");
if (mylist) frame.setAttribute("src", "index.php?f=favourite&favids="+mylist);
else frame.remove();
Re: Use ID collected in a localstorage in an article_custom ID
joanlafulla_Almas wrote #337306:
What I would like is to take that variable (myVar) that I have collected in PHP ($request_raw = file_get_contents(‘php://input’);) and be able to use it in a textpattern variable.
And then use that variable in the article_custom call. Something similar to:
<txp:article_custom id=”<txp:variable name=“myVar” /> // this “myVar” is the value collected in the POST via PHP.
If you manage to pass myVar
as $_POST['myVar']
, you can grab it with
<txp:variable name="myVar" value='<txp:page_url type="myVar" />' />