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#1 2019-12-11 21:38:34

From: Vilnius, Lithuania
Registered: 2009-06-14
Posts: 313
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Real-view Write panel

After the rest of Treepad recently, I have investigated text-file-format alternatives for my PIM with hyperlinks. And finally settled on the choice of two apps: Qownnotes and Zim. Qownnotes enriches text by Markdown, and Zim by Wiki syntax (sorry, no Textile). I would prefer Qownnotes for tag-based content management instead of tree-structure in Zim (and Treepad), alas!

Interface of Qownnotes is dual-pane (ant third pane for TOC), with non-editable final-view on the right (optional). Rats, I should always stare at Markdown! That is not the case in Zim: I always see my fine rich-text here — markup is converted and disappear automatically, instantly after a space, comma, etc.

Why not to implement that mode in Textpattern? The default tab in Write panel would stand for editing and real-time viewing according linked CSS, as from a public front-end. Two other optional views would remain HTML and Textile markup. The highest satisfaction, especially for newbies!

By the way, such real-view editing mode is already working in English Wikipedia (Mediawiki CMS), not only in Zim.


#2 2019-12-12 14:53:03

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,317
Website GitHub

Re: Real-view Write panel

Have you seen this issue? Save for CSS it is close to what you suggest.


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