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#85 2019-01-25 01:19:28

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

in two (2) years time i will have nothing to do with creating/managing websites. I am getting off the Merry-Go-Round.

i will be a soulless wanderer of the internets…. leaving bonbons as i go. You have been warned!

…. texted postive


#86 2019-01-25 04:06:20

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

so the hunt continues: anyone have insights into 1&1 IONOS

i like that they are in Europe even if i am in NA ;-)

…. texted postive


#87 2019-01-25 11:32:52

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,789
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Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

Destry wrote #316290:

Domain transfer away from Dotster in process. Could take up to 7 days. Bourk! But show is on the road.

Unless you were deliberately wanting to leave Dotster (which I could understand), you needn’t necessarily have transferred your domain to O2switch. You could have simply pointed the domain to their servers. But …

7 days is probably just to reduce their support needs. Some people open a ticket after 30 minutes complaining a transfer hasn’t gone through.

What is this ‘validation of a domain’ business?

I haven’t come across that before. Up to now it sufficed to obtain an AUTH-CODE from the existing registrar and give it to the new host/registrar. As only you as the domain owner had access to that, it was a good and easy method. Is that no longer possible?

Thus, put a .html file in the root of my domain it will be. But at the host I’m leaving?

That sounds easy enough and pretty immediate. It’s sounds a lot like the google verification method. The idea is you prove you have access to your own site using that method. You need to ask them what the long number should be (or where you get it), then simply make a text file, paste the long number into it, name the file too accordingly and FTP it to the root folder of your wion.com domain with WF (i.e. where they can find it now). Call it up to check it works, then tell them they can request verification.

Destry wrote #316291:

I was thinking today how nice it would be to just not have anything to do with a website anymore. … I really don’t see lasting past 60 online, though.

Given your previous internet history I find that hard to believe ;-)

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#88 2019-01-25 21:40:37

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

jakob wrote #316297:

Unless you were deliberately wanting to leave Dotster (which I could understand), you needn’t necessarily have transferred your domain to O2switch. You could have simply pointed the domain to their servers.

I just learned, an hour ago, by transferring away from them, that Dotster is only a domain reseller and the actual registrar is domain.com (whose website throws all kinds of GDPR denialism in my face). I got an email from the latter shortly ago and I was compelled to contact Dotster to ensure it wasn’t a phishing attempt or something. (I’m very nervous about losing my domain in today’s cutthroat climate.) I’ve been with Dotster for years, I’ve lost count of how many, and I’m not sure I ever knew they were just a reseller. It probably says in the Terms, but I’ve not looked at those in years.

When I first joined Dotster, easily over a decade ago, they were a much different company on the surface, and from my home territory in the States, so I went with them. I don’t know what happened along the way, but support started going to India, all kinds of ‘add-ons’ were being shoved at me. It changed, and I didn’t like it. Time to move on. And now that I know they are just a reseller, I’m even happier to leave, though o2 probably is as well. I don’t know. Good question to follow up with.

Up to now it sufficed to obtain an AUTH-CODE from the existing registrar and give it to the new host/registrar.

Yep. Did that already. That was the first step. And to unlock the domain at the current registrar end. Transfer is in progress. That domain.com note I just mentioned said it will happen on the 30th.

This extra bit from o2switch about new GDPR process, that’s news to me too. That came after the code was passed to them.

That sounds easy enough and pretty immediate. . . . The idea is you prove you have access to your own site using that method. You need to ask them what the long number should be (or where you get it), then simply make a text file, paste the long number into it, name the file too accordingly and FTP it to the root folder of your wion.com domain with WF (i.e. where they can find it now). Call it up to check it works, then tell them they can request verification.

Okay, that sounds good. Thanks! I have the long number; just didn’t show it.

Given your previous internet history I find that hard to believe ;-)

Always the optimist. ;)


#89 2019-01-25 21:51:55

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

jakob wrote #316297:

It’s sounds a lot like the google verification method. The idea is you prove you have access to your own site using that method.

One more question about that… It’s supposed to be an .html file, but do I have to make an HTML template, or is it really just the number string only? I’m under the impression it’s just the string. No markup.

Yeah, rereading the mail, it’s pretty clear it’s just the string. Nevermind.


#90 2019-01-25 21:59:28

From: North Carolina
Registered: 2004-04-13
Posts: 141

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

fwiw, I’ve decided to move to DreamHost, using the VPS hosting because I need node.js to run the Duke River of News (uses Dave Winer’s River5 software), among my other Textpattern sites.

Last edited by mistersugar (2019-01-25 22:00:14)


#91 2019-01-26 00:45:49

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

mistersugar wrote #316301:

fwiw, I’ve decided to move to DreamHost, using the VPS hosting because I need node.js to run the Duke River of News (uses Dave Winer’s River5 software), among my other Textpattern sites.

i have a test account setup at DreamHost as well. trying to figure out the id and password issues for The ID of the Server, SFTP and MySQL.

Dave Winer of Scripting News and Radio UserLand fame … a golden oldie

…. texted postive


#92 2019-02-06 08:06:53

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

Now fully setup on o2switch. WF and Dotster accounts deleted (or will be in 24 hours). To both their credits they handle it rapidly, unlike socmed platforms that do everything they can to hinder you from quitting.

It took me three times to find the right form to ‘Cancel’ WF (it’s not ‘service change’ or ‘support’, as I tried in order). The link isn’t even found via the dashboard, you have to find the help doc on canceling accounts and go from there. Or just use one of the other two and they send you the direct link, which I learned twice. ;)

Anyway, feels good to have that wrapped up. Now, the baton is back in my hand. One more hurdle to clear!


#93 2019-02-06 16:08:17

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

wish i could have it as easy. Although i am busy kicking the tires at DreamHost i am not 100% comfortable there. i really did like WF. They have a clean and intuitive CP….

…. texted postive


#94 2019-02-06 17:19:53

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

In case anyone is worried about using cPanel again after time away, like I was…

I’m pleasantly surprised how it’s setup at o2switch. Sure, the dashboard icons are rather toddler-safe monstrosities, but they’ve really pared out the crap overall. (I remember having to help a former client in their HostGator’s cpanel… Fock me, that was a bloated sell-you-more-useless-shit nightmare of an interface.)

o2’s dashboard is partitioned into functional groups (DBs, email, domains, security, etc) which can be individually closed via twisties or dragged up/down to more useful positions. And best of all, everything I need is there, and intuitive. WebFaction’s peculiar way of doing things was always a mystery to unravel. And o2switch is all in French, so that really tells you how well they’ve done it if I’m happy. ;)


#95 2019-02-06 19:59:22

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

Glad to hear cPanel has improved, in case I need to go to it. Not as happy with DH as I thought I would be

…. texted postive


#96 2019-02-08 07:13:43

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: WebFaction joins GoDaddy

Ugh. Dotster…

My account deletion process (I can’t remember if they said ‘delete’ or ‘cancel’ in the dashboard when I initiated the action, but the terms always have variable meanings across providors) resulted with this email on 6 Feb:

As you have requested, your [username] account at Dotster
will be canceled immediately. Please note that your files will be
deleted, and you will not be able to renew domains you registered
with us. We appreciate your past business and have waived our
normal account cancellation fee.

I was surprised to see mention of a ‘cancellation fee’, which I didn’t know existed. But they probably only waived it because I was paid through upcoming May. The email also showed at bottom that Dotster’s office is in Burlington, MA. When I joined them in 2005, they were in Vancouver, WA, at least that’s how I remember it. I guess I was asleep through all the org changes.

I wake today to find this very annoying message:

As you requested, we have downgraded your [username] account to a domain parking account. As of today, all website files associated with the account have been taken offline your domain related add ons and email services will continue to be charged.

Note the language switch up to ‘downgraded’, which I never ‘requested’. And I certainly don’t have addons and email to keep paying for, which wouldn’t make any sense anyway, nor do I want Dotster even keeping an account for me anymore. / sigh /

Whether intentional or a technological fack up, this is exactly the kind of crap I’ve been dealing with from them for a while now, and I’m always forced to call or direct chat with someone about it in India, as I’ll have to do again now.

Good riddance, US web tech company. (He says, not out of the fire yet.)


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