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rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
This plugin helps you to change the character set in tables, created by Textpattern versions older than 4.6 and/or MySQL versions older than 5.5.3 from ‘utf8’ to ‘utf8mb4’, which allows you to use the full range of UTF-8 characters, including emojis.
Note that if you still use the ‘latin1’ character set, you have to use the rvm_latin1_to_utf8 plugin to change the character set to ‘utf8’ first.
Please read the plugin documentation carefully before using this plugin.
- After plugin installation, just 2 clicks are needed to do let it do its job.
- Can handle textpattern tables with modified columns.
- Additional tables, created by plugins can also be upgraded (optional).
- Detailed documentation in the plugin help.
- version 0.1 (2017-07-22)
- version 0.2 (2017-08-03)
- don’t set default values on column types that do not support this
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
On my local server, I’ve tried this plugin and I’m not sure if it worked properly.
After hitting the “Continue” button, I got a few alerts with the following message:
User_Error “BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, or JSON column ‘Body’ can’t have a default value”
The same message gets repeated for the following columns: css
, message
, description
, Form
, caption
, data
, url
, refer
, user_html
, description
, val
If I look at the database on adminer, I see that some tables got a new collation (utf8mb4_unicode_ci
) while others still have utf8_general_ci
as collation.
Also, when I try to save an article with some emojis on it, I get this alert:
User_Error “Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x9F\x8E\x9B\xF0\x9F…’ for column ‘Body’ at row 1”.
Some extra info for you:
$ mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.18, for Linux (i686) using EditLine wrapper
PS: btw, in the plugin page on your website, the “info” link for this plugin is not pointing to the correct URL (ie. this thread).
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
You did create a backup first, right? Restore it and edit textpattern/config.php and remove the utf8mb4 line.
What do the following SQL commands show, if you run them via PHPmyadmin:
PS. info link fixed. Thanks!
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
I’ve uploaded version 0.2 which should fix the issue manique mentioned. Can you test if it works for you after first restoring TXP to it’s original state?
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
@ruud, after running v0.2, I’m getting the same alert messages when running the plugin and when trying to save an article with emojis. Only difference this time are the columns (I didn’t take note of all of them this time, but if you need it, let me know).
Also, I’ve made `config.php` writable temporarily, just to test that too, and I can confirm that after the plugin ran successfully, `$txpcfg[‘dbcharset’]` is still set to `utf8` (a bug?).
FYI, here is how the database looks before and after running the plugin.
I’m not sure if it’s related to the issue (but I’d bet it is), but some content-related tables (like `textpattern`) are still shown as `utf8_general_ci’ while others non-content-related tables (like `txp_discuss_nonce`) are shown as `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`.
Also, in case it’s still helpful, here’s the output you asked for the MySQL commands:
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
name | varchar(255) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
css | mediumtext | NO | NULL |
Table | Create Table |
txp_css | CREATE TABLE `txp_css` (
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`css` mediumtext NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`(250)) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 |
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
Weird. Can you send me a dump of your database (before running the plugin), so I can try to figure out what’s happening.
Re: rvm_utf8_to_utf8mb4 (v0.2)
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