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#85 2018-06-02 08:55:34

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,122
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

phiw13 wrote #312249:

Thanks for this – I’ve received some spam from a similar domain as yours business-capital-advisor.com. Hopefully that will keep them out of the mailbox.

Hi Philippe, I have included more domains in the list some time ago but forgot to update it on github. Now it is more up to date.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#86 2018-06-02 08:59:47

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

gavnosis wrote #312217:

Thank you Yiannis,

I think I’ve understood this correctly:

Your compiled plugin is just an updated version of pap_contact_cleaner and which will then look for a form (of type misc. ) named comcon_spam_patterns, yes? And as soon as I spot the pattern of spammers I just edit this form?

Hi, I’m not sure as I have not really compared the two. I compiled the plugin from Stef’s code and just followed his instructions from there on.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#87 2018-06-04 07:32:02

Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,308

Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

Gallex wrote #312209:

can i use the form with reCAPTCHA?

i inserted the provided line of code inside the com_connect code – but how to make it required?
right now it’s sender’s choice to solve it or not. ;)

nobody has tried to implement it?


#88 2018-06-20 16:06:15

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,122
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

Hi Gallex,

reCAPTCIA seems to require a script hosted by google hence it comes with tracking so it might not be a good idea.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#89 2018-07-01 07:01:14

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,122
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

I compiled the pap_contact_cleaner plugin with the changes suggested by Stef so as to make it play with com_connect. It is not fully tested yet but it does not break my site.

# Name: pap_comconnect v0.1.2 (compressed)
# Type: Public plugin
# Prevent Spam through com_connect
# Author: tranquillo and Stef
# URL: https://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=312784#p312784
# Recommended load order: 5

# .....................................................................
# This is a plugin for Textpattern CMS - http://textpattern.com/
# To install: textpattern > admin > plugins
# Paste the following text into the 'Install plugin' box:
# .....................................................................


Last edited by colak (2018-07-01 07:02:32)

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#90 2018-07-10 10:38:22

Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,308

Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

colak wrote #312784:

I compiled the pap_contact_cleaner plugin with the changes suggested by Stef so as to make it play with com_connect. It is not fully tested yet but it does not break my site.

# Name: pap_comconnect v0.1.2 (compressed)...

installed. i very much hope it helps.

quite soon i have installed com_connect to clients websites, they starting to report massive spam. most texts are in russian


#91 2018-07-10 13:42:11

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,122
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

It seems that it is working as we did not receive any spam since I installed it.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#92 2018-07-10 14:40:44

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

colak wrote #312943:

It seems that it is working as we did not receive any spam since I installed it.

That’s automated spam, I take it.

Well, pap_cleaner seems like a must-have plugin then if one is going to use comm_connect at all. Stef will probably combine the two at some point, or rewire something similar. A mail form isn’t much good if it’s filling up your inbox full of spam. Might as well just put a raw email address online.

Or better yet. Just never be reachable by any contact at all. Period.

(But were enslaved to the money that being contactable potentially makes available… And to the laws that require being contactable.)


#93 2018-07-30 09:54:10

Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,308

Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

Destry wrote #312947:

Well, pap_cleaner seems like a must-have plugin then if one is going to use comm_connect at all. Stef will probably combine the two at some point, or rewire something similar.

totally agree! spam is gone since i installed it.

i hope stef will do something with the file sending issue i described here
i just don’t receive files… am i only one?


#94 2018-07-30 12:14:43

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,266

Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

Yes, pap_cleaner (pap_comconnect) is a must have unfortunately. I have one smallish issue with it in that it uses inline style (style="visibility:hidden" on the wrapper @<div />), which makes browsers throw a fit when you use a very strict CSP. But that is easy to fix, by either 1/ loosen slightly the CSP to allow inline style or generate a hash for that inline style snippet, or 2/ modify the plugin to use a class instead.

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Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#95 2018-09-13 08:20:10

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,122
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

Bloke wrote #308142:

Gallex: Sorry for the delay. Try v1.0.1 and see if it fixes the file upload issue. It works for me with smallish limits, haven’t tried anything massive yet.

Hi Stef,

We are about to publish a call for entries and this extension would be excellent for us.

I noticed from Gallex’s post that the way to use it is <txp:com_connect_file label="Send file" max="8000000" /> but is there a way to restrict the file types to .doc, .docx, and .pdf?

>Edit: Also after a quick test, trying to send a small 18Kb jpg, returned the error Send file must not exceed 8000000..

Last edited by colak (2018-09-13 08:23:46)

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#96 2018-09-13 12:10:32

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,525
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Re: com_connect - form and contact mailer

colak wrote #313978:

is there a way to restrict the file types to .doc, .docx, and .pdf?

Restricting file uploads? What are you, Axel Voss? ?

You can use the accept attribute but it’ll only offer users a filter for those types – they can still use “All files” from the native file picker so you’ll need to sanitize the file extensions or (better) MIME type programmatically on reception.

trying to send a small 18Kb jpg, returned the error Send file must not exceed 8000000..

Drat, what is causing that? It always seems to work when I try it. Must be something I’m missing with some server setups or I’m just making an assumption in the code that is causing it to fall over. Annoying.

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