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#13 2017-03-13 09:51:26

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: Articles with numbers as title are not loading

alicson wrote #304640:

I’m trying not to add too many new plugins while I’m still ironing out and eliminating others

This is how I operate too. I basically try not to use any plugin I don’t really need. Nothing against plugins, and there are some valuable ones. It’s just a conscience way I work so not to let plugins get out of control. This also means I’m not pushing the bounds with what a Txp site can do, but… C’est la vie.

Have you got into the flat-file game yet? That one I recommend: oui_flat (at least it should be called oui_flat, IMO).


#14 2017-03-13 10:11:39

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: Articles with numbers as title are not loading

Destry wrote #304660:

Have you got into the flat-file game yet? That one I recommend: oui_flat (at least it should be called oui_flat, IMO).

Thank you :) Bookmarked. I don’t think I’m quite ready for the flat-file stuff, however give me some time (and sleep ;) — my sleep schedule has been especially incredibly nonsense lately) and I may be able to digest enough to understand/use/and ask hopefully-halfway-useful questions if you’ll still put up with me then :) I’ll continue to chip away a bit more at existing code and plugins meanwhile..

And man I’m trying not to add new plugins, however then I go to replace something like asv_message and I can only do that by adding rvm_substr — just one example.

I’m very grateful for the plugins, and the ever-improving built-in tags; mostly I’m grateful for this community — it’s always been the very very best heart of Textpattern.

Last edited by alicson (2017-03-16 21:01:22)

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