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Use vertical tabs in a plugin help file
For a long plugin help file I’d like to use vertical tabs like it is used in the Preferences tab.
As far as I know I can’t add the jQuery UI stuff via an admin side callback; I tried to add it directly in the help file via ied_plugin_composer but some characters (double quotes "
at least) are converted…
How should I do to add a script to my help file?
Re: Use vertical tabs in a plugin help file
NicolasGraph wrote #301800:
How should I do to add a script to my help file?
I don’t know if you can, nor if it’ll be successful if you do manage to embed a script. Is Textile causing the quoting weirdness, though? Have you tried escaping the content with double-equals or .notextile
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Re: Use vertical tabs in a plugin help file
Bloke wrote #301801:
Have you tried escaping the content with double-equals or
Good catch; tabs don’t work for now but .notextile
avoid to convert double quotes.
Re: Use vertical tabs in a plugin help file
Embedded script do work; I just need to find Txp classes to use with vertical tabs now!
notextile. <script>
$( function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs().addClass( "ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix" );
$( "#tabs li" ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-left" );
} );