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#1 2012-12-12 17:46:12

Plugin Author
From: Rhône — France
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 479

[textile] noteslist / footnotes some observations

somes observations about footnotes, noteslist and Textpattern

1- Class for note reference

When you use footnote reference [1], you are a class footnote in html result :
<sup class="footnote"><a>1</a></sup>
It’s very useful for design.

When you use Auto-numbered Notes Reference [#my-note], there is no class : <sup><a>1</a></sup>
It’s not good

For me, the best would be

Footnotes class
reference : footnote-ref
note : footnote

NoteList class
reference notelist-ref
notelist notelist

Or equivalent.

2- notes in another field or textarea

I do not know if this is a bug or a feature but it’s very Useful :

If you define your footnotes ref in the body-textarea and your footnotes in excerpt-textarea it’s work.
it is very useful for positioning footnotes in a margin aside element for exemple.

It work only with body and except, no with a other textarea create with glz_custom_field.

Unfortunately this feature.bug doesn’t work with notelist.


#2 2012-12-12 22:54:03

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: [textile] noteslist / footnotes some observations

sacripant wrote:

When you use Auto-numbered Notes Reference [#my-note], there is no class : <sup><a>1</a></sup>
It’s not good

Feel free to raise an issue over on github. That’s probably the best way to bring things like this to my attention now. I only spotted this because I wanted to post here myself today.

For what it’s worth, you can manually give a note-reference a class (but I know this will become tedious with a lot of notes). The textile syntax is blah blah[(class)#my-note] blah blah blah.



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