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#1 2012-10-12 09:23:07

Plugin Author
From: Ukraine
Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 355

Issue 277: Key/value store

wet wrote:

Implement a key/value store facility as a base component for unlimited custom fields, unlimited categories, and other custom schema extensions.
Besides key and value we want to keep

  • created, updated, expires dates
  • flags (compressed, serialized, full-text indexed, user-reserved)

Use MySQL as the default store. Think about alternate interfaces with other k/v stores (APC, memcache).

Thanks, this is good news!

Some minor additions/thinking:
It may be useful to add in flags: json (for ajax things, send ajax data without recoding).

About key/value data store. Perhaps should think about such variant:
  1. very FAST key/value store, with limitation value field – varchar[255] (designed for rapid select and for rare updates)
  2. ordinary key/value store without limitations

#1 MySQL 5+ already support it in core, not need any additional code. Simple enable query_cache option in config MySQL. These will be given from memory and speed it will be faster than using memcache, because MySQL connection has been established, and the memcache will need to establish a connection and pass the auth.

About alternate interfaces: MySQL have HandlerSocket plugin for fast data access.

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