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#1 2012-10-07 17:40:47

Plugin Author
From: Vermont, United States
Registered: 2004-06-22
Posts: 63

wet_if_comment_submitted tag does not exist error

One of my Textpattern sites is running a theme that uses the wet_if_comment_submitted inline plug-in (well, not a plug-in, but a function called by a tag as if it were a plug-in) in one form, but it produces Tag error: <txp:wet_if_comment_submitted> -> Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist errors. This is on Textpattern 4.4.1 and the “Use plugins?”, “Allow PHP in pages?”, “Allow PHP in articles?”, and “Allow raw php?” are set to “Yes” in the Advanced Preferences.

I’ve always leaned towards writing my own plug-ins if PHP was necessary and so have never actually used PHP in articles/forms before, but the usage seems to comply with the afore-linked example (the wet_if_comment_submitted() function is defined before the use of the <txp:wet_if_comment_submitted> container tag), uses the syntax specified in the <txp:php> documentation), and the theme’s demo site has this working correctly. Was there a change in newer versions of Textpattern that would prevent this from working? Is there a bug fix in Textpattern 4.5.x that would apply (I didn’t see anything specific in release notes for 4.5 or 4.5.1 that would hint at it)?

Thanks in advance for any further troubleshooting pointers or ideas as to the cause of this. I can naturally remove this functionality, but it’d be useful to retain, and will implement this as an actual plug-in if necessary, but all signs imply that it should work.


#2 2012-10-07 19:56:38

Plugin Author
From: Vermont, United States
Registered: 2004-06-22
Posts: 63

Re: wet_if_comment_submitted tag does not exist error

I ended up implementing wet_if_comment_submitted as a full plug-in and that resolved the issue, but I’m still curious what has changed in the last few years since Robert Wetzlmayr wrote the inline solution that would cause it to fail.


#3 2012-10-08 03:48:34

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,328
Website Mastodon

Re: wet_if_comment_submitted tag does not exist error

Textpattern added measures in v4.4.0 so tags have to be defined as either core code or regular plugins. This inline plugin method therefore doesn’t work any longer.


#4 2012-10-20 11:40:50

Plugin Author
From: Vermont, United States
Registered: 2004-06-22
Posts: 63

Re: wet_if_comment_submitted tag does not exist error

I meant to thank you much earlier… this is exactly the kind of thing I expected, but I greatly appreciate knowing what the change was and when, so thank you! I’m all for that change, as well.


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