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#1 2012-03-02 15:55:44

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

uli_if_expires_in: the last salute for expiring articles

In the How-do-I forum totoff asked how he could filter for articles that are within a certain time frame until expiry. I had some fun cooking up the least code-expensive solution, and in that case it seemed altering an existing mini plugin, Christian Sandberg’s csb_if_newer_than (I simply had to modify the maths and call another variable).

It worked in my sandbox and on totoff’s site, the support for csb_if_newer_than has apparently been anything but time/brain consuming, any inquiries to enhance the plugin will be categorically rejected, anyway, so why not make it public?

Download uli_if_expires_in

Usage (the complete help page in all its glory):

<txp:uli_if_expires_in days="30" hours="12" minutes="20">
   This article will expire within the given time frame.
<txp:else />
   This article will not expire so soon.

If any attribute is left out, it is zero by default.

Get creative now and use the else part of the container for creating a two level expiry or nest some tags with different time frames for a traffic light like expiry indicator. For the logic see the example below. Have fun!

<txp:uli_if_expires_in days="7">
  What gets here has 0 - 7 days until expiry.
    <txp:uli_if_expires_in days="6">
      What gets here has 0 - 6 days until expiry.
    <txp:else />
      What gets here will expire in 6 - 7 days exactly.
<txp:else />
  What gets here has more than 7 days until expiry.

Thanks to Christian Sandberg for his csb_if_newer_than.

Last edited by uli (2012-03-05 23:38:47)

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#2 2012-03-03 13:05:20

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

Re: uli_if_expires_in: the last salute for expiring articles

No surrounding <txp:if_expires> necessary any longer, penny dropped.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


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