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#1 2011-01-12 21:33:50

Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 242

[textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

I have tons of <br /> tags when I try to use TExtile. Where is it appropriate for me to insert the ‘notextile.’ to avoid the break tags? Do I put them at the front of every paragraph? That’s alot of paragraphs for me to insert a notextile into. Or is there another viable option? When I am in textile mode, I use all HTML markup rather than using textile markup.


#2 2011-01-12 21:51:44

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,305

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

Could you provide an example? (Overall usage is avoided in the prefs or article-wise with the drop-down menu in the left column. Or once for several paragraphs with notextile.. Note the space after the dots.)


In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#3 2011-01-12 22:02:04

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

dreamer wrote:

When I am in textile mode, I use all HTML markup rather than using textile markup.


Code is topiary


#4 2011-01-12 22:03:25

Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 242

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile


#5 2011-01-13 00:08:31

Plugin Author
From: Monterey, California
Registered: 2008-03-21
Posts: 1,254

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

Can you show us the raw body from the write tab for that article?

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#6 2011-01-13 00:21:15

Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 242

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

<div id="slider">

<p class="niche"><span class="niche"><a href="#overview">Overview</a></span> <span class="niche"><a href="#costs">Costs and Sample Schedule</a></span><span class="niche"><a href="#location">Location</a></span> <span class="niche"><a href="#enroll">Enroll</a></span></p>

  <!-- element with overflow applied -->
  <div class="scroll">
    <!-- the element that will be scrolled during the effect -->
    <div class="scrollContainer">
      <!-- our individual panels -->
<div class="panel" id="overview"><h2>Overview</h2>
<p> At the Capitol Debate Institute we are dedicated to the improvement of your debating skills, offering you hands-on instruction in our National high school debate camp. Our training is centered on small group seminars that will greatly improve your competitive abilities, developing your understanding of debating theory and the practical application of those skills. Our residential debate camp’s elite coaching staff provide you with a variety of skill exercises, followed by professional critiques, to continually develop your debating abilities.</p>
<h3>Theory Series</h3>
 <p>Our Capitol Debate Theory Series provides you with the knowledge you need to consistently win theory debates. Our highly experienced debate coaches will lead you through a series of theory classes in each of the following vital areas: counter-plans, critiques and topicality. </p>
<p>Each theory class in our national debate camp consists of several one-hour sessions, each focused on a different issue. Our staff provide you with the tools necessary to win, dissecting the various strategies that they know are successful in competitive debate, immersing you in the debating techniques that will enable you to rise above others. </p>
<p>For example, our counter plan series will see you take separate classes in debating plan-inclusive counter-plans, conditionality, fiat and permutations. In addition, following each debating series, you will participate in mini theory debates covering the issues discussed. </p>
<p>We also organize all our classes according to experience level, to allow our students to progress at a comfortable, yet rapid pace.</p>
<p>At our residential debate camp we also challenge you to apply the materials you have learned in your lectures. Immediately following each skill or theory lecture, you will be divided into small groups of equal experience levels to apply the materials discussed in the debating lecture. </p>
<p>For example, following a lecture on the second affirmative constructive, you might be confronted with hypothetical first negative constructives and asked how you would consider that approach in light of what you have learned from the lecture. </p>
<p>Through the guidance of our highly qualified and experienced instructors, we can show you winning strategic debating moves that will further your success in competitive debates. Our experience has taught us the most effective exercises and our coaches have produced many champion debaters during their careers. We would like you to become one of these champions. </p>
<h3>Practice, Practice, Practice</h3>
<p>You will be issued starter evidence before arriving at the Capitol Debate Institute and you will begin practicing your speeches early in your training. Our coaches provide you with lengthy feedback on your speech delivery and you will learn to incorporate their suggestions when you repeat the speech the following day.</p> 
<p>We keep copious notes on all debating students, helping them to improve and develop their arsenal of debating techniques. We challenge our students to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses and we aim to see progression and improvement by the time each debater leaves our institute.</p>
<h3>Topic Lectures & Strategies</h3>
<p>During your stay at our Maryland debate camp, you will receive extensive lectures on all facets of debating including affirmative cases, negative positions, counter-plan ideas, potential critiques, topicality, and key positions. Our focus is on strategies that will win you debates and our experienced instructors will guide you through each process to have you reach the top of your game.</p>


      <div class="panel" id="costs"> 
	  <h2>Costs &amp; Sample Schedule</h2>
	<li> 8:45 a.m. – Announcements</li>
	<li>9 a.m. – Negative counter-plans on poverty topic</li>
	<li>10 a.m. – Giving the perfect second affirmative constructive lecture</li>
	<li> 11 a.m. – Theory series: counter-plans and debating conditionality</li>
	<li> Noon – Lunch</li>
	<li>1 p.m. – Argument group</li>
	<li> 2:45 p.m. – Practice speech and repeat speeches</li>
	<li>5:00 p.m. – Dinner</li>
	<li> 6:30 p.m. – Guest lecture on topic</li>

	<li>3 Week Residential Program: July 11 to      July 31: $2,695</li>
	<li>2 Week Residential Program: July 11 to      July 24: $1,995</li>
	<li>3 Week Commuter Program: July 11 to July      31: $1,895</li>
	<li>2 Week Commuter Program: July 11 to July      24: $1,395</li>
<p>The residential debate camp program includes double occupancy dorm room and full meal plan. A commuter program includes lunch and dinner every day. Commuters will arrive at 8:45 a.m. and depart at 8 p.m. each evening.</p>

 <div class="panel" id="location"> 

<p>Located in Maryland near downtown Baltimore, Loyola University offers the perfect location to study debate.</p>

<p>The University has 150 years of academic excellence and provides a fantastic backdrop for you to learn debating skills from some of the best coaches in the country.</p>

<p>Loyola University is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to provide you with the best possible learning experience.</p>

<p>The campus allows full use its computer labs containing Lexis-Nexis Academic access, as well as use of its Loyola Library facilities.</p>

<p>There are large dorms, and students on our national residential debate program receive three meals a day. There is a great diversity of food which is served on an “all you can eat” basis – so you can feed your body as well as your mind.</p>

<p>We will also be organizing trips to museums, baseball games and tourist sites so you will have plenty to do. And Baltimore is only an hour drive away from Washington D.C. and tourist outings and research opportunities will also be planned. Loyola University also offers the use of its gym and open fields for catch.</p>

      <div class="panel" id="enroll"> 
	 <p> We have made enrolling simple: all you need to do is complete the form below and submit it along with your payment.</p>

<p>Please note that your payment is required with the submission of your application. Our programs are very popular and are often oversubscribed, with the limited places filling up early in the year. Any additional fees for extended hours can be paid at a later date, but the tuition fees must be paid with your application to reserve your space. Kindly note that all payments made are non-refundable.</p>

<p>You can pay by clicking on the “Pay Now with PayPal” button at the bottom of this page, which will direct you to the PayPal site. Here you can securely enter your credit card information and you can also enter your child’s name to link the payment to your application.</p>

<p>It is important to follow this two step process: submit the application and then pay via PayPal.</p>




#7 2011-01-13 00:30:44

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,305

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

What happens if you put notextile.. at the beginning of the body field? Aren’t the br’s gone?

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#8 2011-01-13 01:05:40

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

dreamer wrote:

… When I am in textile mode, I use all HTML markup rather than using textile markup.

Excuse me the silly question but if you are using only html have you set the ‘use textile’ item under the ‘preferences’ tab to ‘‘leave text untouched (as Uli suggested)?


#9 2011-01-13 17:47:50

Plugin Author
From: Monterey, California
Registered: 2008-03-21
Posts: 1,254

Re: [textile] Avoiding break tags when using textile

redbot wrote:

Excuse me the silly question but if you are using only html have you set the ‘use textile’ item under the ‘preferences’ tab to ‘‘leave text untouched (as Uli suggested)?

Or at least turn textile off for that article?

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