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#1 2010-09-06 22:44:27

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2010-07-06
Posts: 14

Weird code in title HTML

Hi there,

I was wondering if anybody knows what this code is:


Apparently it show up in my Title HTML code, I haven’t a clue way :S

Here’s my title form

<title><txp:if_status status="404">404 | Page not found<txp:else /><txp:if_search><txp:search_term /> | </txp:if_search><txp:if_individual_article><txp:title /> | </txp:if_individual_article><txp:if_category><txp:category title="1" link="0" /> | </txp:if_category><txp:if_section name=""><txp:site_slogan /><txp:else /><txp:section title="1" link="0" /></txp:if_section></txp:if_status> | <txp:site_name /></title>

Here’s my article page

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<title>Spiritual conception - abstract&#160;painting | Abstract paintings gallery | Abstract Painter Mischa van der Spek</title>
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<h1 class="entry-title">Spiritual conception - abstract painting</h1>

<div class="entry-content">
 <a href="/abstract-paintings/spiritual-conception-M-abstract-painting-by-mischa-van-der-spek.png" class="painting-small" rel="lightbox" title="abstract painting – Spiritual Conception"><img src="/abstract-paintings/spiritual-conception-S-abstract-painting-by-mischa-van-der-spek.png" width="600" height="480" alt=""></a>

 <div class="painting-description-wide">Most of my inspiration comes from nature and my step into abstract art is a conception from my mind, spiritual combined with nature, hence the name Spiritual Conception.</div>

 <div class="paintingspecstext-wide">

	<h3 class="paintingspecs-h3">Abstract Painting Specificaties:</h3>

	<table class="paintingspecs">
			<td class="borderit1"><strong>Width</strong></td>
			<td class="borderit2">39,4 in</td>
			<td>100 cm</td>
		<tr class="even">
			<td class="borderit1"><strong>Height</strong></td>
			<td class="borderit2">31,5 in</td>
			<td>80 cm</td>
			<td class="borderit1"><strong>Depth</strong></td>
			<td class="borderit2">0,8 in</td>
			<td>2 cm</td>
		<tr class="even">
			<td class="borderit1"><strong>Paint</strong></td>
			<td class="borderit2">Acryl</td>
			<td class="borderit1"><strong>Canvas</strong></td>
			<td class="borderit2">Silk</td>

	<p><br />

<a href="/contact">To buy this abstract painting please <span class="caps">CONTACT</span> US</a></p>


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<!-- Runtime:    0.0210 -->
<!-- Query time: 0.008538 -->
<!-- Queries: 20 -->
<!-- Memory: 3836Kb, <txp:body /> -->
<!-- txp tag trace: 
[SQL (0.000335931777954): select name, data from txp_lang where lang='en-us' AND ( event='public' OR event='common')]
[SQL (0.000230073928833): select name, code, version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order]
[SQL (0.00072193145752): select ID,Section from textpattern where url_title like 'spiritual-conception-abstract-painting' AND Section='abstract-paintings-gallery' and Status >= 4 limit 1]
[SQL (0.00115394592285): select page, css from txp_section where name = 'abstract-paintings-gallery' limit 1]
[SQL (0.000524997711182): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from textpattern where ID=5 and Status in (4,5)]
[article 5]
[SQL (0.000600099563599): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted > '2010-08-23 15:00:00' and Section = 'abstract-paintings-gallery' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted asc limit 1]
[SQL (0.000988006591797): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted < '2010-08-23 15:00:00' and Section = 'abstract-paintings-gallery' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted desc limit 1]
[SQL (0.000519990921021): select host from txp_log where ip='' limit 1]
[SQL (0.00198411941528): insert into txp_log set `time`=now(),page='/abstract-paintings-gallery/spiritual-conception-abstract-painting',ip='',host='93-125-166-129.dsl.alice.nl',refer='',status='200',method='GET']
[SQL (0.000154972076416): select user_html from txp_page where name='MS2010_gallery2']
[Page: MS2010_gallery2]
<txp:output_form form="MS2010_meta" />
	[SQL (0.000119924545288): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_meta']
	[Form: MS2010_meta]
	<txp:output_form form="MS2010_keywdesc" />
		[SQL (0.000123023986816): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_keywdesc']
		[Form: MS2010_keywdesc]
			[<txp:if_individual_article>: true]
				[<txp:if_custom_field>: false]
				[<txp:if_custom_field>: false]
	<txp:output_form form="MS2010_title" />
		[SQL (0.000118017196655): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_title']
		[Form: MS2010_title]
		<txp:if_status status="404">
			[<txp:if_status status="404">: false]
				[<txp:if_search>: false]
				[<txp:if_individual_article>: true]
				<txp:title />
				[<txp:if_category>: false]
			<txp:if_section name="">
				[<txp:if_section name="">: false]
				<txp:section title="1" link="0" />
					[SQL (0.000117063522339): select title from txp_section where name='abstract-paintings-gallery']
		<txp:site_name />
<txp:output_form form="MS2010_header" />
	[SQL (0.000116109848022): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_header']
	[Form: MS2010_header]
	<txp:output_form form="MS2010_menu" />
		[SQL (0.000113964080811): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_menu']
		[Form: MS2010_menu]
<txp:breadcrumb label="Home" sep="&raquo;" title="1" link="1" linkclass="breadcrumb"  wraptag="" />
	[SQL (0.000143051147461): select lft as l, rgt as r from txp_category where name='' and type = 'article']
	[<txp:if_individual_article>: true]
	[<txp:if_article_list>: false]
<txp:article form="MS2010_article2" limit="999" />
	[SQL (0.000119924545288): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_article2']
	[Form: MS2010_article2]
		[<txp:if_individual_article>: true]
		<txp:title />
		[<txp:if_individual_article>: true]
		<txp:body />
<txp:output_form form="MS2010_footer" />
	[SQL (0.000123023986816): select Form from txp_form where name='MS2010_footer']
	[Form: MS2010_footer]
[ ~~~ secondpass ~~~ ]

Any help would be awesome!


P.S. weird enough doesn’t show in the code here (confused look) Is it some sort of space character? Btw I’m using Safari 5 do my webdevelopment…

P.S. II I checked it Firefox, something. Also the code disappears every time edit my post, should be good now!

Last edited by imischa (2010-09-06 22:50:23)


#2 2010-09-06 23:33:44

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: Weird code in title HTML

The &#160; (aka &nbsp;) appears probably because you’ve set the “prevent widowed words in article titles” preference in preferences > advanced > publish to yes. Or more likely: You’ve left everything as it shipped.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#3 2010-09-07 08:38:07

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2010-07-06
Posts: 14

Re: Weird code in title HTML

uli wrote:

The   (aka &nbsp;) appears probably because you’ve set the “prevent widowed words in article titles” preference in preferences > advanced > publish to yes. Or more likely: You’ve left everything as it shipped.

Thank you Uli! I now set prevent widowed words to ‘no’ but I’m wondering if this has any impact of any sort? How can a title have widowed words to begin with?



#4 2010-09-07 10:08:29

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: Weird code in title HTML

imischa wrote:

Thank you Uli! I now set prevent widowed words to ‘no’ but I’m wondering if this has any impact of any sort?

When prevent widowed is enabled, Textpattern replaces the last space in the title with &#160;. This means that the last word is forced to stay on the same line as rest of the title, and won’t wrap on next line even if there isn’t enough space.

How can a title have widowed words to begin with?

The widow refers to the last word which is all alone on it’s own line. <txp:title /> outputs the title of the article, and can be used elsewhere than just in the title of the page.


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