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#1 2010-08-31 15:58:49

New Member
Registered: 2010-08-19
Posts: 2

comment_form tag gives tag does not exist error

I have just started learning how to use textpattern. I have the book “Textpattern Solutions” published by FriedsofEd. I am trying to create multiauthor site described in Chapter 15 of book.

I am getting error:

Tag error: <txp:comment_form /> -> Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist on line 1120

I have managed to trace the error to a form called “comments” which uses the error causing tag:

<p> <span class=“comment_num” title=“Posted: <txp:comment_time />”> <txp:comment_permlink> <txp:ajw_comment_num /> </txp:comment_permlink> </span> <span class=“comment_name”> <txp:comment_name /> </span>
<txp:comment_message />
<txp:comment_form />
<div class=“clear”>&nbsp;</div>

Is this a bug of software or the code from book? Is there an alterantive way to code this?

(The code is available at the companion site for book here: http://www.friendsofed.com/download.html?isbn=1590598326)


#2 2010-08-31 16:20:20

New Member
Registered: 2010-08-19
Posts: 2

Re: comment_form tag gives tag does not exist error

I think so I should consider this problem resolved. The tag name probably is comments_form and not comment_form as it says in the book on page 322 and elsewhere. (I have the PDF version, my local library is still in process of acquiring a copy).

Also want to put on record that after I posted my problem I noticed zem’s post at here: http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=10486. And immediately used it. I saw one comments_form tag as well as the offending one.

Wow. Those tag trace features would be great help to developers. I am really thrilled that textpattern is maturing into a serious developer’s tool.


Last edited by bakulesh (2010-08-31 16:20:53)


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