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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I get a 404 on that link… 1.31 seems to be there though…
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Argh. Uploaded in wrong directory. <del>Moving them with the help of my admin who have access (which I don’t from work). Hang on …</del> <ins>Done.</ins> Download now works.
Last edited by obeewan (2004-10-04 09:23:23)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Not wanting to be an ass, but I think the version number still says 1.31 (ducks behind the desk) :)
Last edited by Boby Dimitrov (2004-10-05 07:50:56)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Dratt and double dratt.
I’ll fix it .. Uhmm .. Later :)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#41 2004-10-14 18:57:05
- spchampion
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-06-10
- Posts: 62
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Man, this plugin is awesome. And it works with my plugin! Just one small bug: at the top of the plugin file, where you’re gathering the information from spc_section_alias, there’s this bit of code:
// Check if the section alias plugin is available, if so, see if the
// section has a name, otherwise use default
if( is_callable( spc_section_alias_name ) ) {
$sectionname = spc_section_alias_name( array( “section”=>$s ) );
if( strlen( $sectionname ) == 0 and $s != “default” ){
$sectionname = $s;
} else {
$sectionname = “”;
$sectionname = $s;
It seems to be that the part where $sectionname=”“ is out of place and would explain nardo’s problem. That entire else statement could probably be eliminated. Or am I misreading this entirely?
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
$sectionname is only set to nothing if spc_section_alias_name is not set and the section currently in is default.
That should do it. That was added to fix nardo’s and Boby’s problem actually and hopefully it has. I’ve tested it with the settings they used without getting the problem (the previous versions did have that problem).
And Boby never mentioned it not working after I released the update.
Anyway, there was a request to add your plugin to the code and was easy to do so why not? ;)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#43 2004-10-14 21:57:24
- spchampion
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-06-10
- Posts: 62
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Heh… I guess I should add that it wouldn’t work for me without commenting out that line in the else statement (I’m using it for a site I’m developing professionally).
This is how I’m reading it:
// Get the section name
$sectionname = spc_section_alias_name( array( “section”=>$s ) );
// If the section name is of zero length and $s is default,
// set $sectionname to be the same as $s.
if( strlen( $sectionname ) == 0 and $s != “default” ){
$sectionname = $s;
// Otherwise, when the section name is not 0 length or $s is not default,
// set $sectionname=”“.
else {
$sectionname = “”;
So from what I can tell, in any situation where spc_section_alias_name returns anything at all, this code squashes it and sets it back to “”.
Let me add that having this plugin work with mine is a godsend. Thank you so much for developing it!
Last edited by spchampion (2004-10-14 21:59:33)
#44 2004-10-15 00:45:12
- nardo
- Member
- From: tuvalahiti
- Registered: 2004-04-22
- Posts: 743
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
jus so u know, it’s working perfectly… here: http://www.seecroatia.net
thanks obee & spc
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I’ll look into it.
What I need is the exact way you are calling ob1_title aswell as an example name of a section so I can try and reproduce your problem.
Aswell as what version you are using. (As noted, the latest 1.32 still states that it is 1.31 in the admin > plugins tab).
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#46 2004-10-15 18:37:00
- spchampion
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-06-10
- Posts: 62
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I call your plugin from the page template like this:
<txp:ob1_title showsection=“1” separator=” -> “ />
Here’s an alias entry from my plugin:
<txp:spc_section_alias section=“news” name=“News” title=“The latest news about the RTC.”
description=“News, updates, and announcements about the RTC project and its research.” id=“newsnav” />
I’m using version 1.32 of your plugin and 0.4.1 of mine.
Last edited by spchampion (2004-10-15 18:38:16)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I’ll look into it .. I’m not having that much time currently so it will have to wait but I won’t forget it :)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
hi guys… just wondering, but is it supposed to not be displaying “default” on the main page, as of version 1.32?
and if i need to fix that on my own (certainly do not mind that), then do i just follow Compooter’s instructions from the first page?
thank you for this plugin, btw, obeewan! i’m a big fan of your plugins :)
*edit: i added the spc_section_alias plugin, and now “default” doesn’t show, but neither do the section names… :-/
where on the page should i put <code><txp:output_form form=“section_prefix” /></code>?
and here’s what i have: <code><txp:ob1_title separator=” :: “ showsection=“1” showcategory=“1” searchcriteria=“1” searchword=“on” /></code>
it’s printing “ferrydust :: articlename” if on an individual-article page, and “ferrydust” if on any main/list/section page.. it is printing category names, but not section names…
any ideas as to what i’m doing wrong? thank you…
Last edited by alicson (2004-11-01 04:24:41)
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