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#133 2007-09-03 14:11:45
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I actually didn’t think someone used it anymore for section aliases since we now have the possibility to use section titles in native TXP which, in my point of view, is the same thing. Sure, it has some other features as well, but not related to this plug in.
So what I mean is, why not use the native support for the aliases/titles and you are ok?
Meaning: No, it doesn’t have support for spc_section_alias but if this creates an outcry I can of course make a version that has support for it.
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#134 2007-09-03 14:56:21
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Pardon my stupidity, but how do I set section titles and descriptions with vanilla TXP? If that was possible, I wouldn’t have used the spc_section_alias plugin, back when I installed 4.0.x…
#135 2007-09-03 15:14:33
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
There is no such thing as stupidity in this matter. Section titles are defined on the same page as where you create the section just below the section name (that is used in the URL, messy or not) in the TXP admin interface.
There is though no description field available natively but we were talking about alias’ here so I don’t see the relevance of it. If I missed something please let me know since my knowledge of spc_section_alias isn’t the greatest. You’ve used the plug in much more so maybe knows something I’ve missed.
But a call to spc_section_alias for an alias/elaborate name instead of the one used in the URL is the same as requesting the title of the section.
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#136 2007-09-04 08:46:31
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Here’s what I use spc_section_alias for…
I don’t use categories for my posts, I use sections. This plugin allows attaching several attributes to sections:- section name = food, which becomes a part of the URL, for example domain.com/food/, as you said.
- section real name = Eating out, which is what shows as a link text. It can be input in the Sections part of the admin.
- section link title = Reviews of romantic restaurants – that sets the link title for each section.
- section description = I’m visiting all places romantic, where you can have a quiet, private dinner and writing a review afterwards. Feel free to comment or suggest other venues!
- section group = (number) – it allows showing only selected sections in navigation, for example
When a certain section is opened, say domain.com/food/, I show the section name and description at the top, before all posts in that section.
Also, I have special sections, like /about, /last for last comments list, /tags for tag cloud, that I don’t want to show via the spc_section_alias_iterate tag, so I set them to group=2, while the “regular” sections are group=1. This allows for a proper separation.
So that’s it… When I was redoing the blog some (plenty) of time ago, spc_section_alias was the only way to go and I don’t really see a way to do this now, without the plugin.
The main “bug” in my hacked v2.2 ob1_title is that sections, defined as group=2 (or any number, other than 1) don’t show proper titles (real names), because the group parameter is hardcoded.
Hope that makes any sense… :D
Last edited by Boby Dimitrov (2007-09-04 08:46:52)
#137 2007-09-06 12:39:25
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
So for me to make you happy you need to be able to use the scp_section_alias plug in and that needs another attribute to specify a groupnumber or can that be grabbed through the plug in if the section name is specified?
Do note that I am currently working on my advanced search but I’ll take a look at this soon enough.
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#138 2007-09-12 07:46:44
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Well, I wasn’t actually placing a request in such explicit manner… I was just asking if there is any support for _scp_section_alias _ and more specifically – the group parameter.
If you add those, I’ll be very happy indeed, as I can dump my hacked 2.2 ob1_title :)
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Boby Dimitrov (2007-09-13 07:18:39)
#139 2007-09-13 05:28:22
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
As I said earlier. I’ll look into it after the advanced search and googlenav (aswell as small mod on the changecase).
But you need group right? Hmmm .. I wonder if it’s possible to use tags on the parameters, like
<txp:ob1_title scp_group="<txp:scp_section_alias_group/>"/>
(or however the group plugincall is done).
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#140 2007-09-13 07:52:44
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
I’ve looked at the pages/forms in my blog now and it turns out the last time I tried to deal with this matter I’ve left only one ob1_title call:
<title><txp:ob1_title order="%article{%section{%sitename" separator=" » " /></title>
This obviously makes the HTML title that is displayed in the title bar of the browser. The problem is that sections in groups other than 1 (which I hardcoded in ob1_title) don’t have a proper title, for example “tags » sitename”, instead of “My tag cloud » sitename”.
So the easiest thing to do is to allow ob1_title to get titles for each section, regardless of what group is set via spc_section_alias.
#141 2007-09-13 11:17:36
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
So no need for group then? Makes it easier and won’t clutter it up so much. Lovely.
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#142 2007-10-13 12:10:53
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Updated to v4.1
See first post for details.
v4.1 [2007-10-13]
New feature
- Added slogan to
- All
attributes have had their % signs removed since I do not use them anymore. So if you update, make sure you change the attributes contents. (Ex.%article
is nowarticle
No support for spc_section_alias since Stantons webserver crashed I can’t get ahold of a version to test out the scenarios explained above.
Last edited by obeewan (2007-10-13 12:11:51)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
#143 2008-04-16 19:35:00
- Ruhh
- Member
- From: dakota dunes
- Registered: 2008-01-20
- Posts: 305
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
Is there a way you can modify this plugin so there can be an attribute on status of article? right now the plugin shows an article title of any status. I want to be able to show only live article titles.
Also, I get an error when on search query page.
Last edited by Ruhh (2008-04-17 16:09:49)
<txp:Ruhh />
#144 2008-05-14 13:34:32
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ob1_title
So what should the plugin display instead of the title on “non-live” articles? I think there could be some if_status plugin to use instead.
Also, I get an error when on search query page.
What is the error on the query page and how do you use the plugin when it happens?
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu