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#289 2012-11-08 19:16:29
- redbot
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-02-14
- Posts: 1,410
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
CeBe wrote:
Of course yes: you flush what you no longer need.
Destry wrote:
….Short and er… clean
Hehe, To tell the truth here in italy it is used in a more exhaustive sense
Destry wrote:
“Tabs” only makes sense when you’re in context of the Classic theme, which I find is the one most of my clients don’t use.
Er, yes you are right, I didn’t thought about it, needless to say I’m always using the classic theme.
I’ll see if I come up with a shorter name ok?
Last edited by redbot (2012-11-08 19:17:22)
#290 2012-11-08 20:05:14
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
just don’t call it bot_late_for_dinner »
#291 2013-02-03 11:06:35
- gour
- Member
- From: Hlapičina, Croatia
- Registered: 2013-01-17
- Posts: 124
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
After I login or do something in the back-end (admin), now I see the following message:
Internal error "Table 'mydatabase.bot_wtc' doesn't exist
Any hint what might be wrong?
#292 2013-02-03 11:19:37
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
That table is created with bot_wtc. Can you check via phpmyadmin if there is a table with such name there?
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
#293 2013-02-03 12:56:44
- gour
- Member
- From: Hlapičina, Croatia
- Registered: 2013-01-17
- Posts: 124
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
colak wrote:
That table is created with bot_wtc.
I haven’t installed such plugin…
Can you check via phpmyadmin if there is a table with such name there?
…and there is no such table in the database.
#294 2013-02-03 13:14:03
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
Can you post your diagnostics?
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
#295 2013-02-03 14:36:19
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
gour wrote:
I haven’t installed such plugin…
Well, what about bot_write_tab_customize, in this notation?
Edit: I’ve found traces of that wtc shorthand in one of my smd_user_manager’s tables, which makes me think you might have also done an sql import from any previous installation.
Last edited by uli (2013-02-03 15:02:23)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#296 2013-02-03 15:27:56
- gour
- Member
- From: Hlapičina, Croatia
- Registered: 2013-01-17
- Posts: 124
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
colak wrote:
Can you post your diagnostics?
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Active plugins: upm_date_archive-0.2.5, tru_tags-3.7, soo_plugin_pref-0.2.2, abl_droploader-0.16, bot_image_upload-0.6.3, bot_write_tab_customize-0.7.2
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#297 2013-02-03 15:30:59
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
gour wrote:
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#298 2013-02-03 15:36:09
- gour
- Member
- From: Hlapičina, Croatia
- Registered: 2013-01-17
- Posts: 124
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
uli wrote:
Well, what about bot_write_tab_customize, in this notation?
That one I have.
Edit: I’ve found traces of that wtc shorthand in one of my smd_user_manager’s tables, which makes me think you might have also done an sql import from any previous installation.
Nope…it’s fresh 4.5.4 install.
#299 2013-02-03 15:52:31
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
gour wrote:
That one I have.
That one is your culprit. Have you completed the bot_wtc installation as described in the plugin’s help file or maybe also the plugin’s topic (see colak’s link above)? I think it’ll create its table only if you did these steps.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#300 2013-02-03 16:00:53
- gour
- Member
- From: Hlapičina, Croatia
- Registered: 2013-01-17
- Posts: 124
Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab
uli wrote:
That one is your culprit. Have you completed the bot_wtc installation as described in the plugin’s help file or maybe also the plugin’s topic (see colak’s link above)? I think it’ll create its table only if you did these steps.
Now I did and it looks that the error has gone. :-)
Thank you..learning TXP in progress…and I like it. ;)