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#1 2009-05-18 21:39:56

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,391
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Unescaped filename in file upload?

Is it possible to upload filenames containing apostrophes in TXP? I just tried to upload such a file and received an SQL error from safe_insert() but I’m not sure if it’s a bug or a feature.

The error was reportedly from line 523 of txp_file.php but if I was a betting man I’d say it was probably lack of doSlash() in the file_insert() function when using $newname; it’s passed verbatim to the file_db_add() function. Perhaps apostrophes in filenames are just not a good idea; can anyone confirm this? In that case I’ll add a caveat to Textbook’s Content->Files page.

fwiw, I’m running r3195.

Last edited by Bloke (2009-05-18 21:40:30)

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#2 2009-05-18 22:33:17

Plugin Author
From: Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 907

Re: Unescaped filename in file upload?

I think it’s a bug-feature :) It’s something because of txp_db.php and parsing apostrophes in tags’ attr . Hard to explain my thought, but try to read this topic about using custom order in sort attr.

Last edited by the_ghost (2009-05-18 22:33:41)

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