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I think we need a central plugin website
would anyone be interested if I created a textpattern website for plugins?
Anyone could get a Freelancer account and a few people could be set up as publishers. This way the site could be moderated.
I think there would be a few advanteaes to this because it could be categorized and less cluttered. People could leave comments if they had questions but it would be less cluttered than the plugin forum section.
I was just thinking about this when I saw Drew’s post. This post is very helpful but I think it would be even better if we devoted a site to plugins. Plus by using a last modified plugin we could list updated plugins making it easier for users to keep plugins current.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
I think, ultimately, having a central site for the plug-ins is the only way to go. We have the Central Plug-in List here, but like the site you linked (and this one), it does not list them all.
TextPattern user since 04/04/04
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
Anybody got a wiki handy?
Vivacious Crustacean
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
Whenever Dean comes back, he should start one up at the textpattern domain. I think this is a good idea.
#5 2004-07-30 01:57:28
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
Yeah – ultimately it’ll all need to be under one wiki roof so it’s not necessary to go to multiple sites in order to get the developer/faq/tutorial info you need.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
If Dean doesn’t start an official one for whatever reason, I’d be interested in helping set one up.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
I’ll help out too. This sounds like something that is definately needed with the growing popularity.
Proof that any idiot can have a website: www.vacantcanvas.com
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
A cool Instiki or MediaWiki (Instiki has Textile support, but MediaWiki is what runs Wikipedia) setup for Textpattern in general would be awesome. It would probably help Dean out the most, because we could begin to write and modify documentation and other stuff that might take a while for him to get to.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
We can start an official one. Right now, Dean is cleaning up the subversion repository for Txp and running through Trac.
#10 2004-08-01 02:54:49
- marco
- Member
- From: Montreal
- Registered: 2004-02-24
- Posts: 62
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
Take a look at this for an good example of a plugin repository and plugin documentation wiki.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
Jason, good to hear that. I think this is something that should be started by Dean. It ads an air of authority to the whole thing.
Re: I think we need a central plugin website
We should hold a design contest for it too. Little out of scope I know, but then it would look cool and be functional.
Proof that any idiot can have a website: www.vacantcanvas.com