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:: prd_switch_lang ::
When this plugin is active, it gives you, in the admin tab, the language menu so you can switch to your prefered language even if you’re not an admin.
Plugin based on txp_prefs.php with a little help of _steve and ruud from the forum – many thanks.
You can find it here.
Work with TXP 4.0.2 > 4.0.6. Compatibility not tested with a hundred of other plugin ;-)
Last edited by fpradignac (2008-03-14 21:00:35)
Re: prd_switch_lang
Please use a 3 character prefix.
Re: prd_switch_lang
I’ve installed it in Textpattern 4.0.8 and it is working, but every user can change the language for all users, not only for himself. Is it possible to change this behavior, so that the user can have his own language and only the admin has the right for changing the side language??
Thanks …
Re: prd_switch_lang
Hello Andreas,
sorry but the switch is for everyone; but I think it will be simple to limit it to the admin.
Perhaps using add_privs('even', '1');
somewhere, but I’m not sure.
Re: prd_switch_lang
Sorry, tried some combinations, but with no success …
Can tell the users how to use it, they understand all the languages (german, russian, ukrainian), but would be more nice, if they could individually choose their language….
Re: prd_switch_lang
Bonjour Nicolas,
Je n’ai pas pris le temps d’y regarder… mais je peux t’envoyer la source si tu veux y regarder.
Re: prd_switch_lang
Merci François,
Je veux bien y jeter un œil, mais je ne suis pas sûr d’y comprendre quelque-chose :-/
Je ne suis pas programmeur. Tags txp, (x)html et css sont les seuls langages avec lesquels je développe pour l’instant…
Sinon, il y a toujours MLP, mais c’est vrai que c’est un peu lourd pour n’être utilisé que pour changer la langue admin.
Bien à toi
Re: prd_switch_lang
NicolasGraph wrote:
Hi, is there a plugin for TXP 4.2 ?
yes ditto from me.
Hopefully there is an update for 4.4.X so that we can have each user select their own admin language interface?
added; Or is MLP the only option we have
Last edited by bici (2011-05-15 21:05:33)
…. texted postive
#10 2011-05-15 21:21:33
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: prd_switch_lang
Haven’t had to deal with a multilingual environment, but what about wet_native?
Last edited by uli (2011-05-15 21:21:46)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
Re: prd_switch_lang
uli wrote:
Haven’t had to deal with a multilingual environment, but what about wet_native?
That would do the trick very nicely! thanks!
For the past 2 hours I did all kinds of searching in the forums and on the internet via google and that option was never revealed. Now it is i hope … so that others may find it
…. texted postive
Pages: 1