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  3. » asv_tumblelog

#1 2007-12-04 05:16:15

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402



Download v0.2.1
Download v0.3
Download v1.2
Download v1.4
Download v1.5
Download v1.5.1
Download v1.5.2
Download v1.6
Download v1.6.1

New v1.6.1
  • Import images from bookmarklet
  • Assign an author to feed (you will need to edit/save your feed to have author assigned)
  • Fixed issue of skipping feed items when importing
  • Other bugfixes from 1.6
New v1.6
  • If you choose to import images in TXP, the thumbnail will be created
  • You can choose if the plugin turn links to youtube, viddler, and vimeo should be converted to embedded videos
  • You can set the thumbnail size and video size
New v1.5.2
  • Bugfix: youtube links were mistakenly being converted for titles
New v1.5.1
  • Bugfix: error when adding new feed
New v1.5
  • Added an additional column to feeds to remember the last update datetime. By default when you update feeds it will only pull feeds that were published after the last time the feed was checked
  • Bugfix: feed category not save
  • NOTE: Your settings (Tumblelog > Settings) will be reset because I made asv_tumblelog variables nicer to txp.
NEW v1.4
  • Will take feeds from Vimeo and Viddler and make the body of the post the embed code. I highly recommend checking out Vimeo, which is what I use to upload videos from my cell. With this release you can go completely mobile now (text via Twitter, photos via Flickr, and video via Vimeo).
  • A much smarter bookmarklet – the bookmarklet will now autopopulate videos from Vimeo, Youtube, and Viddler and photos from Flickr

Yikes! What a jump in versioning! I made some major modifications from version 0.3 to allow for some more flexiblity and added several new features.

  • You can now assign seperate forms for each feed you import. Also, you choose to import images or not from the feed (import into TXP, just grab the url, or don’t do anything). The image information is now stored in the article_image field.
  • The bookmarklet uses a new page, that will let you post more quickly
  • You can also set up a custom field to hold the ID of the feed. I’ve written a couple tags that take advantage of this (asv_tumblelog_feed, asv_tumblelog_feedurl, asv_tumblelog_favicon).

More documentation is on the way, but in later releases you’ll see an even smarter bookmarklet, the addition of videos, and more tags around filtering by feed.

You can see it in action here.


I used to be an avid user of services like Tumblr, but found myself wanting more freedom and control over my posts. Please follow the setup instructions below to ensure that everything gets setup. asv_tumblelog will import feeds for you as TXP articles.


asv_tumblelog requires SimplePie, so please grab the latest version. After activating the plugin you will have a new tab under “Extensions” called “Tumblelog”. In this tab you have four options – Settings, Feeds, Page Design, Form Design.

Once everything is setup you’ll need to setup a cron job to get a specific url to update the feeds. The path would be: http://websiteurl/?asv_tumblelog_updatefeeds=1 (note: this is not the textpattern folder, but the url to your main site).


Before using asv_tumblelog you’ll need to setup a couple things.

  • Source Link Field – select the custom field you would like to use to store the original link to the imported post
  • Tumblelog Section – the section to import the feed into
  • SimplePie Path – /the/path/to/your/SimplePie/install

  • Post Form – the form that should be used to feeds typed as posts
  • Quote Form – the form that should be used to feeds typed as quotes
  • Link Form – the form that should be used to feeds typed as links
  • Photo Form – the form that should be used to feeds typed as photos


p. In the ‘Feeds’ section you add/edit/view all your feeds you are importing. When adding a feed, fill in the information and choose the appropriate type. You can create your own definitions for each type since you can edit the design in latter sections.

The one exception is the photo type. If a feed is typed as a photo then asv_tumblelog will parse the body of a post and grab the first image, import it into TXP, and make the body of the imported article a reference to the imported photo.

By special request, I now filter out the username from Twitter feeds. So instead of “variaas: hello”, the post is just “hello”.

Page Design

Here you can edit the page that is associated to your tumblelog section.

Page Style

Here you can edit the style that is associated to your tumblelog section.

Form Design

Here you can edit the 4 forms used for your tumblelog.


p. Recently, I had create a simple bookmark to allow for quick posting. I’ve now integrated it into asv_tumblelog so all you have to do is add the link as a bookmark. I highly recommend getting rss_admin_show_adv_opts to show the advanced options pane.


You’ll learn that you have a lot of room for flexibility and customization with asv_tumblelog. I would recommend installing plugins like rss_auto_excerpt and tru_tags. With rss_auto_excerpt you can truncate posts and tru_tags will let you implement a tagging solution using the ‘Keywords’ field.

Last edited by variaas (2007-12-07 07:57:04)


#2 2007-12-04 07:11:24

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,151
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: asv_tumblelog


this looks very cool…. will be using it i think

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#3 2007-12-04 07:15:56

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402

Re: asv_tumblelog

I’m working on more documentation tonight to help people set everything up.


#4 2007-12-04 08:12:45

From: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Registered: 2006-01-06
Posts: 256

Re: asv_tumblelog

Would be very interested testing this out. Using Tumblr now for my tumblelog. It would be great to incorporate this in TXP!



#5 2007-12-04 08:41:27

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,333
Website Mastodon

Re: asv_tumblelog

BTW: Thou shalt not pollute the Textpattern name space.

This applies to $_GET['updatefeeds'], too. Please do yourself a favour and reduce the risk of clashes with future Textpattern releases and other third-party extensions by adding a prefix to global/superglobal array hashes your plugin uses, e.g. like so: $_GET['asv_updatefeeds'].


#6 2007-12-04 13:08:53

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402

Re: asv_tumblelog

good call – I added a prefix to all my functions but forgot to for this. I’ll update that.



#7 2007-12-06 04:32:06

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402

Re: asv_tumblelog

asv_tumblelog is now at v1.4 and is great for two things:

1. Quick posting – use the bookmarklet to quickly post about a site you’re visiting, a thought on your mind, a photo from flickr, or a video from Viddler, Vimeo, or Youtube.

2. Moblogging – setup the following feeds to have a truly mobile blog (Tumblr/Twitter for text, Flickr for photos, and Vimeo for video).


#8 2007-12-06 08:51:56

From: CGN, GER
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 586

Re: asv_tumblelog

just tested this and i’ve encountered the following issue: when adding a feed, the category is not saved. no matter what category i select, when the feed is saved, there is no category defined in the feed list. also, when importing that feed no category is applied.

Last edited by sthmtc (2007-12-06 08:52:26)


#9 2007-12-06 14:33:08

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402

Re: asv_tumblelog

@sthmtc – thanks for helping test! I found the bug related to your issue and it is resolved in v1.5 (along with a couple new features listed above)


#10 2007-12-06 14:41:28

From: CGN, GER
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 586

Re: asv_tumblelog

that seems to be fixed indeed, but now there is a new problem :)
whenever i try to add a new feed i get an internal sever error… nasty… An internal server error occurred. Please try again later.
any ideas?


#11 2007-12-06 14:48:24

Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2005-01-16
Posts: 402

Re: asv_tumblelog

Sounds like an issue with SimplePie.
  • Do you have SimplePie installed (meaning you uploaded SimplePie.inc and in asv_tumblelog Settings you added the path to SimplePie)?
  • What’s the feed you are trying to import?


#12 2007-12-06 15:25:54

Plugin Author
From: Minsk, The Republic of Belarus
Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 907

Re: asv_tumblelog

Sorry for may be silly questions, but..:
1. This plugin shows posts from various rss-feeds?
2. Does it imports data into txp articles?
3. Can I add my own feeds?

Providing help in hacking ATM! Come to courses and don’t forget to bring us notebook and hammer! What for notebook? What a kind of hacker you are without notebok?


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