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#205 2016-06-07 13:58:33
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
michaelkpate wrote #299604:
I don’t mind dropping out of the admin interface and coming back but that would be hard to explain to novice users.
Nah. Though it suffices to go back in browser history as I’ve found out with my CSS-one-liner deactivated: I wouldn’t expect to do even that from a friend let alone from a client.
I hope I’ll get an idea.
Thanks for testing, Michael.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#206 2016-06-07 18:10:46
- GugUser
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- From: Quito (Ecuador)
- Registered: 2007-12-16
- Posts: 1,473
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
uli wrote #299603:
Thanks but––like I wrote––I’m only working on small details, Stanislav Müller wrote this plugin from the ground up, and Stef provided me with the necessary code to make it 4.6 compatible.
uli, don’t be too modest. I remember that earlier you have taken over the work on this plugin and, together with springworks, have improved it. Stanislav abandoned his work on this essential plugin several years ago. It is wonderful that you have taken on this work and I hope (and believe it) you will be able to solve the current problems. Thank you.
For this reason I wrote about the idea of a new plugin name and, together with the start of the Textpattern 4.6 era, open a new forum topic.
#207 2016-10-20 16:01:58
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
No images > screenshot … !? I’m using Textpattern v4.5.7 with stm_article_order v0.3
Please, give me a hint to start (again) an investigation. Thanks!
smd_thumbnails lost it’s prefs to make default Txp thumbnails when uploading original images. stm_article_order uses these thumbnails.
Last edited by RedFox (2016-10-21 10:49:20)
#208 2016-10-20 17:36:36
- GugUser
- Member
- From: Quito (Ecuador)
- Registered: 2007-12-16
- Posts: 1,473
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
You need a newer version where the problem with PNGs is fixed (see).
#209 2016-12-21 07:25:29
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
michaelkpate wrote #299604:
… I guess you have one more bug to kill. I don’t mind dropping out of the admin interface and coming back but that would be hard to explain to novice users.
I can confirm the navigation bug here too. Plus I get an error: User_Error "Unknown column 'images' in 'where clause'".
Is there any progress?
Last edited by RedFox (2016-12-21 13:11:31)
#210 2017-10-25 21:24:20
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
Hello uli,
I try the plugin with last dev 4.7, and the drag and drop don’t work : on the “drop” part, all the articles labels move to the very bottom of the page …
#211 2017-10-25 21:57:32
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
… maybee use an other jquery sort lib as lukasoppermann.github.io/html5sortable/index.html ???
#212 2017-11-01 20:09:08
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
Hi Jeanpol, somehow I missed your posts, sorry.
My efforts one year ago to make stm_ao work with on-board jQuery UI ended in a draggable surface that didn’t save anything. I think I’ve saved a version of that file. If anybody (you?) wants to fix that attempt of mine I’ll gladly dig in my file cellar and tear a copy out.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#213 2018-01-18 17:32:25
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
I’ve altered stm_article_order to work with the upcoming 4.7. Please try and report back! (Not yet tested for TXPs < 4.7)
Available textpacks
English textpack
German textpack
French textpack
Spanish textpack
A heads up re textpacks
The current textpack situation for the coming TXP v4.7 is a little knotty (see here) and not yet decided. As long as Stef/Bloke is mulling over a solution: Please edit the #@language line of the downloaded textpack to match only your currently installed user language, i.e if you’ve installed default English, please change the language line in the textpack for your language to:
#@language en
If you’ve decided to install American English, please change that line to:
#@language en-us
You get the idea. That same situation might as well be valid for other languages with several versions, like e.g. Portuguese, and not only for stm_article_order’s textpacks.
Last edited by uli (2018-01-30 14:07:48)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#214 2018-01-18 17:39:04
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
Great ! I will test as soon as possible. Thank you so much, uli !
#215 2018-01-18 17:57:47
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
French textpack
#@language fr-fr
stm_ao_article_order => Ordre (tri) des articles
stm_ao_article_order_saved => Réorganisation d'article enregistrée.
stm_ao_edit_article => Modifier l'article
stm_ao_edit_image => Modifier l'image
stm_ao_hide_articles => Masquer les articles
stm_ao_hide_images => Cacher les images
stm_ao_hints_for_using => Faites glisser un article vers une nouvelle position et cliquez sur "Enregistrer". <br/> En faisant glisser un article vers une autre section, vous pouvez l'assigner à cette section. <br/> Les articles ne peuvent être déplacés qu'un à la fois.
stm_ao_it_s_the_one_above => C'EST CELUI CI-DESSUS!
stm_ao_optional_warnings => Si vous laissez un article aller sous la liste, faites défiler la page vers le bas pour le retrouver.
stm_ao_prefs_h1 => Sections dans stm_article_order
stm_ao_prefs_hint => Marquez les sections que vous ne souhaitez pas afficher dans le <a href="index.php?event=stm_article_order"> panneau Ordre (tri) des articles </a>, p. ex. ceux qui trient les articles par d'autres critères que manuellement.
stm_ao_prefs_menuitem => stm_ao-sections
stm_ao_prefs_pagetop => Sections dans stm_article_order
stm_ao_save => Sauvegarder
stm_ao_sections_updated => Sélection mise à jour
stm_ao_show_articles => Afficher les articles
stm_ao_show_images => Voir les images
stm_ao_update => Mettre à jour la sélection
Last edited by jpdupont (2018-01-18 18:26:15)
#216 2018-01-18 18:24:21
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: stm_article_order: Arbitrary sort order for your articles
Some small remarks before a further test …
- The menu option under “Extensions” is not translated, or it has an error in the title:
(this is what is displayed) - Is it possible to have a parameter to not display images: I do not generate thumbnails (I use smd_thumbnail) and I get many error messages in the browser console (images not found)
- Is it possible to not center the text in columns in the section exclusion menu?
Maybe, more readable :
function spr_section_exclude_style() {
// some style for the admin page
'<style type="text/css">
h2 { font-weight:bold }
.spr_exclude_form { margin-top:2em; }
.spr_exclude_form div { margin-top:2em }
#page-spr_section_exclude .txp-list { width: auto;}
Last edited by jpdupont (2018-01-18 22:20:06)