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[archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
Notice: This thread is archived, this plugin is no longer available
Go here jcv_amazon-0.1.zip and download my first Textpattern plugin.
Current features:- Uses Textpattern forms for presentation, making customizing output easy.
- It supports both heavy and lite mode.
- Caches queries to ease bandwidth needs.
- Much more.
- Sorting of results. (I wanted to get it out the door and in use ASAP).
Please, use it. Better documentation is coming, as is sort support and better testing of the cache mechanism.
Chris Vaughan
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
cant wait for that documentacion.. and just in case.. yes im a newbie ;)
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
I’m having a problem here:
I get
Warning: fopen(“76dc0eba9e3c3dfe3f171eb431c89386”, “wb”) – Permission denied in /home/bloodygoodproductions/htdocs/dev/textpattern/publish.php(765) : eval()’d code on line 630
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Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
That is because the cache directory isn’t writable for some reason. Try setting the parameter cacheDir=”/tmp” or some other directory that your webserver had write access to.
Mariano: Docs coming soon. Lots happening at the real job, but probably the next day or two.
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
The Authors tag is outputting “Array” instead of listing the authors.
textpattern.org :: find and share Textpattern resources
textpattern.net :: TextBook – Textpattern wiki
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
hey grump = I just wanted to ask a quick question about your amazon plugin: Could you make it so that I can nest a <txp:rei_show_custom/> tag inside the searchString field? I have a reading section set up now with the ISBN of certain books in the closet (custom_1) field, and want to grab the amazon book covers.
Would be great, thanks!
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
I was just thinking the same thing. In fact it would be awesome if someone made a book review custom fields plugin. So you could put in Author, Title, Rating etc… I might do this when I finally learn PHP better, but right now it’s too weak. The money shot would be if you could crosspost the review to Amazon’s reviews.
Re: [archived] jcv_amazon - The Amazon Services Plugin is available.
Maybe I can convince you to keep working on this plugin by posting something… And it seems that in rc2 and rc1 your plugin stopped working, and I can’t get it back on track. But I really love it – and will look and see what I can do – but a little update would be cool. Don’t forget about the plugin, it’s really nice.
Pages: 1
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