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#1 2006-06-04 14:27:55

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-11-21
Posts: 88

comment spam questions...

on one of my sites I seem to have what looks to be a serial spammer… nothing hugely annoying, but a post a week or so seems to get through. Got a few minutes to comb last months raw logs and what I saw brought up a few questions.

First, what does marking a comment as spam really do? Does it currently have any implications other then just hiding a comment from the public?

… should someone take any other steps (in particular IP banning) if something is marked as spam? I ask because though one message was marked as spam I got hit again later but the same guy at the same IP (along with a batch of others being used).

and finally, short of capthcas and other overbearing alternatives, are there any other plugins or measures people are taking to combat spam

I can pass log excerpts and post content to someone if interested, but it looks to me like its going through the typical comment posting loop each time. This is with 4.0.3.

Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf


#2 2006-06-04 14:40:14

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: comment spam questions...

Combatting Comment Spam

Last edited by Mary (2006-06-04 14:40:53)


#3 2006-06-04 15:50:33

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-11-21
Posts: 88

Re: comment spam questions...

thanks for the link to the plugins.. though I’d still like to know whats going on in the core code there

Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf


#4 2006-06-04 16:25:29

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: comment spam questions...

“marks as spam”… marks a message as spam. No other magic happening: Messages marked as spam are not displayed on the public-side and are “collapsed” and grayed out on the admin-side. (Where as with activated “moderate comments”: the unmoderated messages are also not displayed on the public side, but on the admin-side are not collapsed and highlighted).

Now when you mark a few comments in the list and click “ban”, there’s some magic: it will mark the comments as spam and ban the IP of the authors.


#5 2006-06-05 13:36:00

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-11-21
Posts: 88

Re: comment spam questions...

thanks sencer

i guess it seems odd that marking someting as spam has zero repercussions on the ability of that person to spam you again, but I can deal now that I know that.

isntalled mrw_spamkeywords_urlcount and banned a few ips that were used and I should be good to go (for a little while at least)

Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf


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