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#1 2006-05-01 07:05:56

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Forum emails: topic subscription, password change, etc

Everyone please double-check that you have the correct email address specified in your user profile. There’s been a bunch of bounced emails showing up, for various reasons from things like “account does not exist” to “inbox full”.

If you don’t seem to be receiving your requested emails from the forum (check that they aren’t being filtered as spam, from say Spam Assassin or some other program), or you’re locked out of your account, etc, please let me know and I’ll try and get it sorted as quickly as possible.

Email: admin(at)forum.textpattern.com

Last edited by Mary (2006-05-17 02:28:28)


#2 2006-05-17 02:43:56

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: Forum emails: topic subscription, password change, etc

Users still getting bounced: Dimitr, fjom, Gregouze, Larsz, leland, Loponosik, raveoli, Trisha, Zuban

Quite a few of these are .ru addresses.


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