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#1 2006-02-25 14:14:58
- Vitruvius
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-09-21
- Posts: 125
CSS Nav Menu prob with IE
This is driving me crazy.
I have a main navigation menu coded as an unordered list. Each item has a CSS background image and a <code>a:hover</code> background image. I am using rdt_dynamenus to give the current section a <code>class=active</code> to also hilight the current section. So three ‘button’ states: low, over and active.
Of course it works prefectly in FF, Safari, Opera but not in IE 6.0!!!
But IE refuses to show the hilighted background as defined in the <code>active</code> class. It will show it if you hover over the ‘button’ for the current section – but only then.
I must be doing something wrong…
Anyone got any ideas? (Besides ranting about IE!!!)
[EDIT] – It evens works in IE5.2 for Mac!!!
Last edited by Vitruvius (2006-02-25 14:16:49)
Re: CSS Nav Menu prob with IE
hmm… Seems familiar.
I had a horizontal menu (made from an inline list) that was causing me endless headaches in IE. I fixed by putting the (non-)CSS attribute zoom:1 in the menu’s style.
Be careful with where you put zoom:1, it can causing other headaches, like messing with wrapping text in floats.
My problem wasn’t exactly the same, but this is worth a try. If you want your CSS to validate, use IE conditional comments to hide that stylesheet from other browsers.
hope that helps,
Last edited by edeverett (2006-02-26 17:03:58)
#3 2006-02-26 17:28:12
- marios
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2005-03-12
- Posts: 1,253
Re: CSS Nav Menu prob with IE
Try replacing the single quotes of your ul ‘s class attribute value with double quotes.
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#4 2006-02-27 00:09:47
- Vitruvius
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-09-21
- Posts: 125
Re: CSS Nav Menu prob with IE
Thanks for those suggestions. I have tried using double instead of single – no help. I’ll have a look at the zomm:1 attribute — that might be a possible solution – although its just another reminder of why IE sucks so much.
I have also found an example of a similar menu that does work in IE – - althought I note that it does not have a new background image for <code>a:hover</code>. I’ll strip that example back and compare it to mine…
#5 2006-02-27 10:59:24
- marios
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2005-03-12
- Posts: 1,253
Re: CSS Nav Menu prob with IE
Things to watch out for allways: the correct order sequence of your pseudo classes in your CSS, e.g.: link,visited,hover,active,
or even reversing in some rare circumstances.
Allso,you have an active class applied on your li elements allso.
I do not use “active”, but” current “instead.You can change that attribute value easily with rdt_dynamenous and change your CSS.
Thus, forgetting about the active pseudo class and changing your active li element to current should work perfectly well on all browsers.
regards, marios
Last edited by marios (2006-02-27 11:13:29)
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