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'behaviour' tab
I was thinking about the ‘content’ <-> ‘presentation’ separation in Textpattern and came to think of the last, lacking one: ‘behaviour’. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a separate tab for javscript-editing, pretty much like the css (raw) editor but with some prebuilt stuff there, like hooks to the awesome behaviour library or similar. Maybe Prototype/Script.aculo.us stuff too.
What do you all think of this?
Re: 'behaviour' tab
I’ve been thinking about this too. I’ve also been thinking it would be useful to have methods for plug-in authors to register onload events etc without everyone having to come up with their method. I thought including Prototype would be a nice start.
And behaviour is really cool although I thik getElementBySelector is worth the price of admission all on it’s own. I definitely think something like this could probably be prototyped as a plugin first.
Shoving is the answer – pusher robot
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