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...see full article instead of list...
Hi, I am using the excellent cbs_category_list to display categories according to the section we are in. Page is here:
The section frontpage is fine. It displays the list of articles.
Click on an article in the list, no problem, displays the full article.
My question is how to show the full article (the category links are for static pages) when clicking on the category list on the left. For example, clicking on “Brev”, the first option, and one sees the excerpt instead of the full article. I know I am close but a little help would be really good at this point!
<!— article page: display the live article —>
<txp:article form=“article” limit=1 />
<!— section page: display the sticky article —>
<txp:article status=“sticky” form=“article” limit=1 />
<!— then the rest of the articles —>
<txp:article listform=“list_articles” form=“article” limit=“10” />
<txp:ob1_googlenav linkcurrent=“1” ulid=“googlenav” liselected=“current” firsttext=“Første” previoustext=”« Forrige” nexttext=“Neste »” lasttext=“Siste” />
Re: ...see full article instead of list...
I don’t know the plug-in from use but looking at the output in your source code it is creating a link to a category such as ?c=Brev which mean clicking on the link keeps you on the front-page which if I’m not mistaken uses excerpts. If you used something like glx_if_category_list you could use a different article form but it would be nicer methinks if the plug-in were to output a permlink.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: ...see full article instead of list...
The form code is:
<div id=“centerimg”><txp:article_image /></div>
<h2><txp:title /></h2>
<txp:body />
<h3 class=“newsheading”><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></h3>
<txp:excerpt />
<p><txp:permlink>Les mer…</txp:permlink></p>
<div class=“divider” ></div>
Re: ...see full article instead of list...
I’m an idiot!! It was staring me in the face and I already use the glx_if on another site!
<!— article page: display the live article —>
<txp:article form=“article” limit=1 />
<!— section page: display the articles —>
<txp:article listform=“list_articles” form=“article” limit=“10” />
<txp:ob1_googlenav linkcurrent=“1” ulid=“googlenav” liselected=“current” firsttext=“Første” previoustext=”« Forrige” nexttext=“Neste »” lasttext=“Siste” />
<!— category page: display the articles —>
<txp:article form=“article” limit=“1” />
….does the job nicely!! Thanks Stuart!
Re: ...see full article instead of list...
Yes I think it’s using your List Articles form for the output because it is a category LIST. You can check this by putting the site into “debug” mode then going to the page and viewing the source. At the bottom you will see all the tags that are being used. I think that if you grab the “glx_if” plug-in you can use the glx_if_category_list tags and between those use your article tag with the article form.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Pages: 1