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#1 2005-09-09 02:16:29

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-21
Posts: 125

Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

I don’t know about the rest of you – but I am getting a bit tired having to employ various ugly CSS hacks to get my designs working reasonably across most browsers. And even with all the hacking in the world I dread what some poor person looking at some of my sites with Win98 IE4 gets… I guess you could say “who cares…” but then I know a few mum and dad type users who still have that exact browsing combination.

Looking through my logs got me thinking that a neat solution would be a PHP/server based detection plugin. I know CSS but I do not know PHP – hence the request.

I would see it working as a conditional <code><txp:browser_detect agent=“ie6,nn7,ff1”>Load modern CSS</txp:browser_detect> </code> and then <code><txp:browser_detect agent=“ie4equiv”>load primative CSS</txp:browser_detect></code>

Maybe it could be simplfied by an array defined in the plugin to lump browsers into 2 or 3 groups: (<= ie4,nn4) (ie5,5.5) (ie6+) not sure…

Anyone keen to have a go

(Maybe I should learn PHP!)



#2 2005-09-09 03:26:28

Archived Plugin Author
From: Boston, MA, US
Registered: 2005-07-25
Posts: 81

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

I’m working on a plugin that tracks visitors, which detects the browser they’re using. You’ll be able to display the browser name using a tag like <txp:hit_logger_browser>, but this isn’t so useful. I’ve been considering a conditional like you mentioned (I like the idea of comma separated values!).

The problem is that I currently map the browser into a small group of values. For example, “mozilla/4.x” turns into “Netscape Navigator 4”. It’s actually 13 versions of the browser, turned into a single value for displaying. Plus it’s a rather long string to deal with.

I’ll look into adding proper version information for the browsers and perhaps a 3 or 4 character “nickname”, then implementing a <txp:hit_logger_if_browser> tag.

Are Textpattern tags allowed in CSS files?


Monkeys could have written a better post..


#3 2005-09-09 03:39:29

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-21
Posts: 125

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

Good to see.

I think that a good start would be specify a few obvious browser groups. I reckon:

  1. IE 4.0, NN 4.0 and anything similar / older
  2. IE 5, 5.5 (due to it’s box model bug)
  3. IE 6
  4. Decent browsers (inc FF, Safari)

The nickname idea sounds good – but it might be a pain if you have to specify all of them in a conditional statement…

The tag would be placed in the HTML between the <code><head></code> tags to load different CSS files as needed. The plugin would have to have another attribute to specify the TXP name of the CSS file.

As you can see – I’m full of ideas – and no ability to implement them :)



#4 2005-09-09 12:32:41

Plugin Author
From: mexico<-->sweden
Registered: 2004-05-20
Posts: 495

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

i actually serve 2 different css files using some css hackery.

in the main css file i have

@import ‘advanced.css’;

and then basic formatting rules, such as fonts and colors.
advanced.css has all the layout stuff

4.x browsers (and ie 5 mac) get only the basic css, the rest get all of it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~| monolinea.com | pixilate.com | istockphoto.com/kemie |~~~~~~~~~~~~~


#5 2005-09-09 14:06:40

Plugin Author
From: Baltimore-ish, USofA
Registered: 2004-11-28
Posts: 230

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

Can I suggest to you, Virtruvius, that for now, at least while such a pluggin does not exist, that if you are trying to server alernate style sheets depending on browser type that you use Internet Explorer conditionals. Like this:

<code><!—[if IE]><style type=“text/css” media=“screen”>/* <![CDATA[ / @import url(/styles/iepc.css); / ]]> */</style><![endif]—></code>

There are also a lot of various filters that you can use which would still let you keep your main stylesheet (the one that works like it should) clean. I personally use the conditional statement for my photoblog.

All this being said, if i could find a list of browser versions, as they would come up in php, I would be willing to spend some time developing a plugin like this. My main stopping point at this moment is finding a list of the browser versions as they’re seen by php.

Last edited by akokskis (2005-09-09 14:17:00)

My Photoblog, and my personal site. Got nav? ako_nav.
Thanks for taking the time to look…

— vc3 —


#6 2005-09-09 20:12:31

Plugin Author
From: mexico<-->sweden
Registered: 2004-05-20
Posts: 495

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

akokskis, maybe this would be a starting point:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~| monolinea.com | pixilate.com | istockphoto.com/kemie |~~~~~~~~~~~~~


#7 2005-09-09 21:11:10

Archived Plugin Author
From: Boston, MA, US
Registered: 2005-07-25
Posts: 81

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

Well, I don’t know so much about CSS (although this IE box model problem might explain the problem with the footer of my site). I do know PHP and have been working on a plugin that has logic for detecting browsers.

Since this is really a logger, I just wanted a generic string to identify things (as I said, I often map a bunch of different version into one value). I could easily enhance this, it’s more of a data entry issue than a coding issue. I can poke around and see what documents are available, I suspect the best would be Gary Keith’s browscap files.

Vitruvius, you can download my plugin and look through the source of hit_logger to see what I use to distinguish different browsers (basically a database look up table). It could be the start of your own plugin. Or you can wait until I’m done, perhaps a week.

hit_logger hit_viewer


Monkeys could have written a better post..


#8 2005-09-09 21:36:01

Plugin Author
From: Baltimore-ish, USofA
Registered: 2004-11-28
Posts: 230

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

Hey there folks, for whatever it’s worth, my development of a plugin for detecting browsers is nearly close enough to release for public use. Still need to do some testing, but once that’s done, it’ll be out for all.

My Photoblog, and my personal site. Got nav? ako_nav.
Thanks for taking the time to look…

— vc3 —


#9 2005-09-10 00:57:45

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-21
Posts: 125

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

kemie, I think the stylegala article you quote could be a good starting point. I had read it and then couldn’t find it again when I came to post initially :) I think the thing that could be taken is the browser detection code. I personally would not like to follow the example where php is inserted into inline CSS. I’d prefer a simple TXP plugin to load in a different CSS file based on conditions.

LeeStewart – I’ll have a look shortly – although I don’t have the foggiest about php.

akokskis, I have used the <code><!— [if IE] —></code> conditionals before – but mainly to display a message saying “get Firefox”! The problem is that IE 6 is basically fine in CSS but IE 5.x are a pain in the **** (here is a summary). Fantastic to see you are developing a plugin – I’d be happy to help with testing as I have a PC and Mac next to each other with almost all browsers for each ;)


#10 2005-09-10 03:15:15

Plugin Author
From: Baltimore-ish, USofA
Registered: 2004-11-28
Posts: 230

Re: Plugin request: php/server based browser detect conditional

I’d like to announce my newest plugin, ako_ifBrowser . Check out the help file for more info here

Last edited by akokskis (2005-09-10 03:27:29)

My Photoblog, and my personal site. Got nav? ako_nav.
Thanks for taking the time to look…

— vc3 —


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