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#13 2011-08-07 03:38:25

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

Ah! Cool. Thanks Jukka! I forgot about ied_plugin_composer, and now I see it mentioned in Plugin Basics. I finally get to try that plugin. Fun!

So, literally standing on Blokes’ shoulders (all credit to him), and changing the function signature to dez_draft_default in relevant locations, I have my first plugin. Ha!


#14 2011-08-07 04:43:50

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

I was feeling a little guilty for putting my name on it, even though it wasn’t shared, so I decided to try this—criticism expected…

I created the plugin pub_draft_default_v0.1.txt, edited it to select “Draft” (instead of Pending, as it was for Jayrope), and added a few lines of help to indicate the fact you can change the status option (and how to do it).

I made the Author on the plugin: “Stef (smd) Dawson and Destry (des) Wion”. (For my irrelevant contribs to contributing.)

I used the pub prefix to stand for public, which is kind of how this plugin was born. Stef wrote it, but didn’t release it as a plugin. I turned it into one and made it available to save folks a few (easy) steps. I think the pub prefix is kind of nice, suggesting the collaborative nature of it. And being it also suggests a social watering hole, even better. I can imagine other plugins being developed under similar conditions that could use the prefix too. E.g., zem_contact_reborn could have been better named pub_contact, considering all the contributions from different people (and it’s less silly sounding).

Both pub and des are available prefixes (a-hem).

This is a “as-is” plugin. I won’t (can’t) be advancing it. But as it is a public plugin, anyone can advance it, and get their name in the author field for doing so. :)

Ed. Let me know if I should create a plugin thread, put it in .org (I’ll need an account), yadda yadda.

Ed. 2 Corrected Stef’s prefix and changed mine to something more … French-plural. Artisin des plugins simple. C’est moi !

Last edited by Destry (2011-08-07 08:12:05)


#15 2011-08-07 07:52:34

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

Destry, congratulations on your first adventure into plugin-land!

I made the Author on the plugin: “Stef (sed) Dawson and Destry (dez) Wion”. (For my irrelevant contribs to contributing.)

FYI Stef’s prefix is smd not sed (that’s me.)

I used the pub prefix to stand for public, which is kind of how this plugin was born. Stef wrote it, but didn’t release it as a plugin. I turned it into one and made it available to save folks a few (easy) steps. I think the pub prefix is kind of nice, suggesting the collaborative nature of it. And being it also suggests a social watering hole, even better. I can imagine other plugins being developed under similar conditions that could use the prefix too. E.g., zem_contact_reborn could have been better named pub_contact, considering all the contributions from different people (and it’s less silly sounding).

I quite like this idea — as long as there is no confusion over who the maintainer of each individual pub plugin may be (or just who to contact to submit change requests.)



#16 2011-08-07 07:57:43

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

net-carver wrote:

FYI Stef’s prefix is smd not sed (that’s me.)

Lol! Quite right. I knew that. I always get your prefixes mixed up. Even when googling for plugins.

I’ll fix it. Does that require a v2 or something?

And thanks for the congrats. It was kind of fun. Sadly, it’s about as complicated as I would ever have time for.


#17 2011-08-07 08:10:29

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

Destry wrote:

I’ll fix it. Does that require a v2 or something?

No need, I think you fixed it in time.



#18 2011-08-07 08:14:52

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

Destry wrote:

Ed. 2 Corrected Stef’s prefix and changed mine to something more … French-plural. Artisin des plugins simple. C’est moi !

Version is the same.


#19 2011-08-07 13:20:33

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

I’m working on something based on pub_draft_default as I’d like to make the default configurable in a global pref setting.

I would also be interested to know if there are any use-cases that would require being able to have different default statuses definable on a per-group basis, on a per-user basis or even on a per-section basis?



#20 2011-08-07 13:38:36

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

net-carver wrote:

I would also be interested to know if there are any use-cases that would require being able to have different default statuses definable on a per-group basis, on a per-user basis or even on a per-section basis?

I haven’t tried Stef’s smd_user_manager plugin yet…the per group and per user might be similar there. /shrug/

But the per section basis tunes me in. Over in this thread Maverick mentioned “I use “hidden” for record keeping purposes — notes, etc. as part of a ChMS set up.”. This made me think of it in another way (end of that post), where one of the status (like Hidden) could be used for custom documentation (from me to the client receiving the CMS build). I’ve done the PDFs and more recently the Google docs, but something like this would keep it central to the system. So it’s easy for me to think that I might claim the Hidden status for docs only and thus only the admin can use status Hidden. Then setup a “docs” section, for example, where the docs content could be seen by back-office users (any role) in rendered format but not public.

Something like that? I guess I’m mixing my wishes between here and the other thread. Wave off any bad smell.

Last edited by Destry (2011-08-07 13:46:04)


#21 2011-08-07 21:15:50

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: make default status draft instead of live?

pub_draft_default now reborn as sed_default_article_status.



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